Monday, April 27, 2020

[Pathfinder] Kingmaker Redux, part 9: Attending to Business

From the journal of Lythande Syldorei

3rd Desnus, Toilday

The Stag Lord's crude fort was crumbling, filthy, and stank of blood and offal after the battle was done. When Akiros warned us of the undead lurking on the hillside, we determined that we would convey the dead beyond the hill to prepare a mass grave for them. But as it was still night, we would not do so until the following morning. To get away from the mess below, we climbed up to what remained of the second floor to take our rest. While we slept, Zander removed the hide from the owlbear. He desires to create a replica of the creature wearing its actual skin.

We discovered an inscription on the wall of the chamber where the old man was left to die. It appeared to have been scratched into the stone wall using a fork or eating knife. It read: "Connor is not the chosen one. He is not preparing a kingdom for her." We don't know who Connor is or who the "her" the inscription refers to may be.

After we rose we loaded the bodies of the dead into the wagon and took them a short distance from the fort, outside the area Akiros says the undead appear within.

Later in the day our prisoner, Falgrim Sneeg, awoke from his wounded sleep. He must have been quite surprised to see Chahana, who is now wearing the Stag Lord's awful helm, and Zander is also wearing the unusual armor the Stag Lord bore which has no covering for the wearer's upper torso. We gave Sneeg food and water but did not treat his wounds with any magical healing.


4th Desnus, Wealday

We took the Stag Lord's head to Nettles Crossing, stopping first to ensure that the Sharptooth kobolds have not gone back on their promise to leave the sycamore tree uninhabited. Zander tried to crawl down beneath the roots of the tree to check and became wedged in the narrow passage. Maria had to pull him out.

During our journey we asked Akiros about himself. He admitted that after his betrothed accused him of assaulting her, he slew both her and her father, who had been pressuring her to abandon her betrothal. I am troubled that we have not sent him back to make amends for his crime. But as my companions have reminded me, we let other bandits go free who no doubt took lives. Is seeking redemption more important than punishing wrongdoers? I am uncertain. I must pray to the Dawnflower for guidance.


5th Desnus, Oathday

When we reached Nettles Crossing, Chahana volunteered to take the Stag Lord's head and present it to Davik Nettles while the rest of our group stood by. After Nettles appeared and held the severed head in his hands, he exclaimed something I couldn't make out. Then his body dissolved into the river, leaving behind only the ranseur he had wielded. Reislin says that it has minor magical properties.

I hope that Nettles can move on into the care of Pharasma now and have his spirit sent to its destined afterlife. I will say a prayer for him.

7th Desnus, Starday

We have returned to Oleg's Trading Post. It has been a week and a half since we were last here.

There is a tinker visiting the trading post. Reislin has spoken to him about purchasing useful supplies. Chahana also asked him if anything could be done to change the unpleasant appearance of the Stag Lord's helmet, but he was unable to help her.

Kesten Garess was quite pleased to see Sneeg. He plans to execute the man for his crimes and have us take his report to his superior, Reynold Burns, commander of the mercenary company known as Sharka's Machine in Restov. Commander Burns will give us the reward for capturing Sneeg.

We plan to travel to Nivatka's Crossing first to meet with a representative of the Varnlings before heading to Restov. Reislin has sent a letter there by raven to let Maegar Varn know that we will be coming.

Reislin arranged to sell some of the supplies we took from the fort to Oleg. We have all earned a substantial amount of coin. Perhaps I can purchase a better suit of armor or a keener scimitar once we reach Restov.

11th Desnus, Oathday

We had an uneventful journey to Nevakta's Crossing. It is a rough frontier town, though it boasts a general store and several establishments where local trappers and hunters can come to drink and gain the temporary companionship of others.

Akiros has decided to part from us and go to seek his own way. I pray that the Dawnflower will not let him slip back into a life of crime. Perhaps he will return to his homeland and try to make amends for what he has done.

Chahana, Maria, and Reislin negotiated an arrangement with Dawg, Maegar Varn's representative, to sell them some of our goods. That has earned us more coin as well as their goodwill. We have also agreed to purchase some spirits from them, which they have apparently produced at their own distillery in Varnhold. Perhaps we will sell some in Restov, or to Oleg.

Tomorrow we leave for Restov.

Characters have each earned:
1,463 gold
      4 platinum
  342 silver
  759 copper

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

[Star Wars] Guardians of Peace, Episode 36: Broken Vows, part 2

As the RESISTANCE grows in strength, the FIRST ORDER moves to neutralize the gathering opposition. The First Order and their pirate lackeys search the borders of the Unknown Regions and Wild Space looking for agents of the Resistance. Any sign of their adversaries quickly leads to violent action.

Space pirates and mining droids attack the former Jedi Taanar Ryl and her companions in retaliation for freeing natives of Ta’amel III from slavery. During the fight the former Imperial Knight Vimma Montari lead the pirates in combat, only to be defeated and captured by the heroes. After making sure the miners and pirates wouldn’t harm the natives, the group returns to the core to hand over Montari to Imperial authorities….

In the aftermath of the fight on Ta'amul, the crew of the Dark Star found themselves in charge of a prisoner and ex-Jedi Tanaar Ryl had a moral dilemma. Their intent had been to rescue Vimma Montari from her kidnappers. But now the young woman they had aboard their ship appeared to be voluntarily working with the First Order. Tanaar had no desire to be a jailer. In this situation, returning Vimma to the Imperial Knights didn't seem like the ideal option. She didn't want to force Vimma to return to them if that wasn't her wish. But she did want to offer the young woman a chance to reconsider her support of the First Order.

                                 Imperial Knight Vimma Montari

When Ayja came to explain that she couldn't keep Vimma sedated indefinitely, Tanaar agreed that Vimma should be transferred to one of the Dark Star's small cabins. She also asked Ferb to plot a different course back to the Unknown Regions, in the event that the Dark Star was being tracked. After Vimma was moved to the cabin everyone aboard kept themselves armed out of caution and Ayja prepared a fast-acting sedative as a contingency.

But when Vimma asked to see Tanaar, her demeanor wasn't that of a fanatic determined to escape her captivity or destroy the enemies of the First Order. She was calm and self-possessed. She told Tanaar that she wanted to return to her masters. Tanaar took note of the fact that she used the plural, but couldn't elicit who those masters were. When Tanaar asked Vimma about the children she had been trying to protect, Vimma responded that they were better off where they were. Tanaar tried to gently plant seeds of doubt in her mind about this, but didn't linger on the subject. Then Vimma asked if she could be allowed out of the cabin, promising to do no harm and stay out of the cockpit and engine room. Tanaar told her she would consider the request.

After Tanaar left Vimma's cabin, she retreated to her own to meditate. Nima joined her, but both of them were troubled by a sense of unease. Tanaar realized that there was a malevolence emanating from the mysterious amulet Master Neri had given her. Nima sensed the malevolence also. Further examination of the amulet didn't provide any clues as to what was causing the sensation, but Tanaar decided to put the amulet in the secure weapon storage rather than keep it close by.

Later Tanaar met with the rest of the crew and told them of Vimma's request. After they discussed their concerns - the Secura brothers and Nima were all convinced that Vimma had been brainwashed - they agreed to grant the request.

Vimma's behavior seemed acceptable after she was permitted to move about the ship. The only unusual event was while she was dining with the crew one meal. Ferb mentioned a craving for food from the Biscuit Baron franchise, and almost immediately Den agreed with him with such enthusiasm that the two of them were soon planning how they could make a detour to a planet with a Biscuit Baron location. Ren didn't share his brother's craving and began to feel concerned by how focused Den and Ferb were on their plan. Vimma smiled a little at their conversation, but there was nothing obvious that hinted at any outside influence on their behavior.

When the Dark Star reached the Unknown Regions, Tanaar contacted Leia to tell her what happened with the Blazing Chain. She also asked Leia's advice regarding Vimma. She was still hesitant to take the young woman back to the Imperial Knights. Following her conversation with Leia, she seached her feelings and came to a decision. She contacted the Jedi Order and spoke with Master Kanan, asking him if the Order would be willing to allow her to bring Vimma to them. Kanan agreed.

                       Jedi Master Kanan Jarrus

Tanaar recognized that this decision might cause friction with the Imperial Knights. But she felt more comfortable taking Vimma to a neutral party, one where the young woman would be given support but wouldn't be pressured into choosing a particular path. Tanaar was confident that the Jedi Masters would be able to determine whether Vimma had been coerced or compelled to give her allegiance to the First Order.

When the Dark Star arrived at the Jedi Sanctuary, Tanaar was pleased to find the Skyriver Venture was present. She was greeted with a fierce hug from her old friend Lowarra and a slightly less fierce one from Dash. Even Master Neri was present for a change. Neri invited Vimma to stay at the sanctuary and find her center. Vimma didn't react to this request with anger or resentment, which Tanaar took as a favorable sign.

                         Jedi Master Niranya Repp


                                Skyriver Venture

While the Dark Star had been in transit, Nima had been working on building her own lightsaber, an important rite of passage of every Jedi. She consulted with Master Kanan, who helped her settle herself and encouraged her to use the sanctuary's facilities to begin the final phase of construction.

Tanaar also had conversations with Neri and Kanan, and Kanan gave her a data disk of information about the Blazing Chain. It seemed that they might have originated as a group of Sith refugees, but the source of this information wasn't entirely reliable. Tanaar had a talk with Neri about the amulet's malevolent presence as well. It had never manifested such a sensation while in Neri's possession, and Neri apologized to Tanaar that she would never have given it to her if she had known. In the end Tanaar decided to keep it and continue learning about it.

The Dark Star crew remained at the Jedi Sanctuary for another day after delivering Vimma Montari. The Jedi opened their armory to the Secura brothers, allowing them to restock the Dark Star's armory from their supplies. But the time came for the team to leave, with the intention of going back out to the Unknown Regions to meet with the Blazing Chain again.

Just as the Dark Star exited the the minefield that protected the Sanctuary from intruders, they found themselves facing a disturbing sight: a Star Destroyer of unfamiliar design was approaching the Jedi Order's safe haven!

Monday, April 13, 2020

[Pathfinder] Kingmaker Redux, part 8: The Fort on the Hill

From the journal of Lythande Syldorei

1st Desnus, Moonday

I  had forgotten to include in my journal that when we were at Oleg's Trading Post we received a new writ from the Swordlords of Restov, offering a reward of 5,000 gold pieces for the Stag Lord. It seemed that we were truly meant to pursue this miscreant, despite his lair lying outside the borders of the territory we had been tasked to make safe.

2nd Desnus, Sunday

This morning when they woke, Chahana and Maria both told how they had experienced another dream of Nettles, but this occasion it wasn't disturbing, or not in the same way, and didn't deprive them of rest. Instead it told them the story of how the Stag Lord and his bandits had demanded Nettles give over all his wealth to them, then when he refused they slaughtered him and his family and burnt their home to the ground. Maria was especially disturbed that they had slain the Nettles family dogs.

Zander insists that he had no such dream, but Reislin and I doubt he is speaking the truth. He also swore the oath to Nettles.

We've come the place where the Shrike and Thorn rivers meet, which provides a ford for us to cross over the river and seek the fort the Stag Lord reportedly holds. To the south of us lies the lake called the Tuskwater, and the fort is said to stand on its shores. Chahana examined the fording point and found no sign that anyone had crossed recently.

After crossing the ford we found the land still rolling as it is to the north. We can see the forest of the Narlmarches to the west.

Late in the day as we reached the peak of a hill, we could see a taller hill in the distance from which a plume of smoke issued. There appeared to be a structure on the hill's bald peak. As we suspected this might be the bandit fort, Chahana and Zander volunteered to go down and take a closer look, Zander's sharp eyes serving to help Chahana find her way in the waning light.

After darkness had come, Chahana and Zander returned to report that the structure was indeed a ruined fort, surrounded by a crude wooden palisade and occupied by an unknown number of men. Three wooden watchtowers looked out over the palisade. They had also discovered an overgrown trapdoor on the hillside.

We conferred for a time over whether we should attack them now or wait until daylight, but quickly came to agree that attacking after midnight would be our best chance as most of the bandits might be sleeping. We would attempt to enter through the trapdoor. We took a short rest until the appointed hour arrived, then left the wagon and horse behind as we crept down to the fort, Zander and I leading the others as only we can see in the darkness and though the sky is clear it is a new moon.

We managed to scrape away the soil and grass from the trapdoor and pry it open, then crept inside before Maria cast a spell of illumination on her shield. The tunnel was low, obliging all of us to walk in a stoop, but Reislin affirmed that the structure was still sound. After a short distance we came to a second trapdoor. Zander prised this one open and peered up cautiously, then informed us that it exited into a storage area beneath a flight of stairs.

We climbed out and gathered around the foot of the stair. Maria transferred her light to a pebble and put it in her pocket. To one side stood a crudely built wooden wall with many gaps large enough to pass a hand through. On the other side was the stone structure of the original fort. It was quiet.

Zander made his way along the wooden wall and peered through one of the gaps, catching sight of a man who left another space to Zander's left and walked into a larger room in which several men slept on benches. Up above he could see one of the watchtowers and a walkway that led to a second tower. The towers were manned as he and Chahana had observed earlier, but they each had only one small window for looking out. There was also something underneath the nearest tower.

Chahana joined Zander, and caught sight of a man who seemed to be listening, as if he had heard her movement. She watched to see if he reported this to anyone but there was no outcry. She decided to climb quietly up the stairs and cross to the watchtower to eliminate the sentries there.

Later on she told how when she reached the watchtower the man on duty happened by chance to hear the walkway creak and appeared in the doorway. He was quite shocked by her appearance and she shot him before he could react. He died without a sound. Then she went into the tower and pushed his body over the side into the narrow space between the tower and the palisade.

After Chahana had dealt with the first watchman, she put on his hat to disguise herself and crossed the walkway to the next tower. The man there noticed her soon enough to fire his own bow, but his shot went well wide. He half-shouted a warning to the others below. Chahana shot him in return and he collapsed.

Reislin had gone to peep through the wooden plank wall, and I joined her. I heard a noise, which was the watchman above shouting to his fellows, so I told Reislin to remain where she was thinking it would be safe for her as there was no exit through the wall on that side. I then ran to warn Zander, who was around the corner of the stone wall. He informed me he had heard horses beyond the wall. Both of us moved to the far end of the stone wall, which had no opening, until we came to the area just inside the gate, under the third tower. There were two ill-treated horses there tethered below the tower. A light spilled from an opening beyond the poles that supported the tower.

Maria had run up the stairs after Chahana, but once the cry went up she jumped from the tower, landing before a room that lay underneath the first tower. That was where the first person Zander had seen had come from. Inside this room Maria saw a filthy bed occupied by a many clearly deep in his cups, a bottle still dangling from his hand. On his head he wore a mask in the form of a stag's head with antlers. Maria cast a warding spell upon herself and entered the room with her sword in her hand.

Chahana also jumped down from above and spied the same man in the room. The man dropped his bottle and began to shout loudly.

Just as I was about to round the corner and head for the light, I saw a bandit come out onto the walkway overhead, followed by two more. Only one man had a bow. To my surprise I heard the second man, who was cleaner and looked healthier than his comrade, say, "I've strayed too far from my lord," as he drew something from the front of his tunic. Then he took the dagger he held and stabbed the bowman. Afterward he looked down at me and nodded, then headed toward the stairs leading down from the tower.

Just after he left another man emerged onto the bridge, but this man I recognized: it was Holk*, the massive brute who had been driven away from Restov for attacking everything within reach. He clutched in his hands a huge club and what appeared to be a child's toy dragon. I decided to pay him no mind for the moment as he showed no interest in me, and I followed Zander.

Zander and I faced a roomful of bandits, but several of them were sleeping, one on the floor, which led me to suspect that Reislin was responsible for their slumber. One man rushed out to attack me but his blade scraped off my shield. I could see one man still awake who was pulling on a rope, seemed to have opened a door. Something beyond that door roared in animalistic rage.

The gate or door burst asunder as a large creature covered in fur and feathers erupted through it, clearly enraged. The man who had been trying to bring it out fled from it back toward where Chahana and Maria battled the Stag Lord.

Just as the beast burst free of its prison, Holk jumped down from above and swung his club at Zander. When he landed he crushed one of the sleeping men. His club also dealt Zander a crushing blow.

While Zander and I fought Holk, Chahana and Maria struggled with the Stag Lord, who despite wearing no armor and little clothing proved to be quite resistant to wounds. Reislin aided them by pointing her wand through the gaps in the wall and firing her tiny unerring missiles at him. The man who had run away went to the Stag Lord's aid, making the battle more difficult for my friends.

Holk bashed Zander with his club again and I saw that he was suffering. I laid my hand upon him and called on Sarenrae's healing light. Holk was oblivious to the raging beast behind him. Zander managed to stab the huge brute several times,wielding his sword with both hands. Then the beast attacked him as well. It had already slain two of the bandits who lay helplessly sleeping outside its prison.

Another two-handed attack from Zander left Holk staggered. Suddenly the man from the bridge appeared behind me. I realized he bore the holy emblem of Erastil. I asked him if he could do anything with the furious creature. By this time Holk had fallen to the ground unconscious, leaving nothing between the beast and Zander. The man responded that he did not have that kind of knowledge, and to my surprise he moved in to attack the creature, saying, "I'm Akoris. Remember me if I die." The beast grabbed him in its claws and snapped its beak-like maw on his flesh.

I dropped my scimitar and drew out the boar spear I had won, stabbing it at the beast but it dodged my thrust. To my surprise Akiros seemed to have entered a state of battle frenzy and was slashing at the beast with his sword.

A pair of Reislin's missiles shot from behind and struck the monstrous creature. It had already been slashed several times by Zander and I managed to make a good thrust at it, after which it slumped to the ground and released Akiros. I went to him and administered the Dawnflower's blessing to him, then gave the same care to Zander.

Chahana and Maria reported that the Stag Lord was dead, though he had been difficult to bring down. Chahana then went back up to the second tower to check on the man she had felled with her arrow. When she carried his unconscious form back down, we discovered that he was Falgrim Sneeg, the man Kesten Garess had set a bounty on after the man stole from the mercenary company and fled. Truly Sarenrae has blessed us to allow us to remove the Stag Lord and his bandits from this territory and also capture the craven thief Sneeg.

Reislin told us the creature was an owlbear, which none of us had ever seen before. We at first desired to free it to the wilds, but it had been badly mistreated by the bandits and we feared it would attack people or livestock if we let it go, and we were not prepared to take on the task of trying to tame it, nor did we have any practical way to transport it to Erastil's temple as Chahana suggested. In the end we decided it would be more merciful to take its life, though this was hurtful especially to Zander, who has spent many years among the druids and feels much kindness toward wild creatures. Chahana took upon herself the task of ending its life of suffering.

Akiros then told us about himself, describing a tale of woe in which he had begun as a holy warrior of Erastil who had been betrayed and accused of a crime he did not commit. This led him to a life of a vagabond and a criminal and finally to the Stag Lord. He regretted this, but was uncertain if he could return to the Deadeye's embrace. I suggested to him that he might consider my lady Sarenrae as she offers redemption, but I don't know if he will take my recommendation. Maria and I are satisfied though that he is not a threat to us. When we asked about the tale we had heard of someone being kept beneath the fort, he showed us the trapdoor down to the cellar.

In the cellar we found the corpse of an old man who had clearly been beaten and abused before he starved to death. According to Akoris this was the Stag Lord's father. I felt no regret that we had slain the Stag Lord, not even when the removal of his minimal armor revealed that he too bore the scars of abuse upon his body.

A search of the fort and the fallen bandits revealed a considerable amount of coins, gems, weapons, armor, tools, and trade goods they had robbed from the poor people of this land. The stag helm was enchanted, as were the wearer's belt, bracers, and leggings. Reislin told us that these pieces together acted as though he wore leather armor, hence his lack of a shirt or any armor covering his chest. On the upper level of the ruined fort we found a bedroll and a collection of child's toys. I wonder if those were Holk's.

Our wagon will be full of goods when we return to the trading post. We will send the Stag Lord's helmet to Restov as proof we have fulfilled the writ, and take his head to Nettles. I hope that will send him to Pharasma's arms at last.

We rested that night at the fort, though it was not a pleasant place. The bandits were all filthy and everything was covered in blood after our battle. Perhaps we will be able to find someone to restore the place in time.

End of Book 1. Characters are now 4th level.

*The character is called Auchs in the adventure but the GM changed his name to Holk.

Next: part 9, Attending to Business

Sunday, April 12, 2020

[Star Wars] Guardians of Peace, Episode 35: Broken Vows

Returning Guardians of Peace to my blog after a prolonged absence, we rejoin our heroes mid-adventure after they have parted from the New Jedi Order and the Antarian Rangers in order to serve under General Leia in the newly-formed Resistance. To learn more about what happened to them in the missing episodes, see this post.

As the RESISTANCE grows in strength, the FIRST ORDER moves to neutralize the gathering opposition. The First Order and their pirate lackeys search the borders of the Unknown Regions and Wild Space looking for agents of the Resistance. Any sign of their adversaries quickly leads to violent action.

 On the planet Ta’amel III, after an ambush by pirates, Taanar Ryl and her companions attempt to flee into a fierce storm raging above them. Assailed by First Order TIE fighters, launched from an orbiting Star Destroyer, the heroes nearly manage to break free from their pursuers before they crash land on a jungle island…

                            The Dark Star

                                      Taanar Ryl

                                       Nima Secura

                                  Denpoji Secura

                                    Renpoji Secura


As the crew of the Dark Star enjoyed the celebrations with the villagers, they observed freighters flying by overhead. Then Taanar's comm beeped. She stepped aside for a moment to take a message from Ferb, who had detected the ships and advised that another freighter was in orbit. Taanar advised him to keep the Dark Star where it had landed and power down to avoid detection.

After Taanar passed this information along to the rest of the group, Den observed that any transports on the way to the mine would reach the village first. Taanar reached out to the villagers to warn them and together with the Dark Star crew they began to plan an ambush for the expected mining transports.

Each member of the crew took on preparing for combat. Taanar used her lightsaber to fell trees across the path the transports were expected to take. Den suspended a line across the path to knock speeder bike riders off their bikes. Ayja persuaded the villagers who had acquired blaster carbines after they were freed from the mine to join in the ambush effort. Ren scouted for the approaching transports and helped Nima find a spot where she would be able to swing down from the treetops.

The pirates arrived soon enough. A procession of vehicles included several people on foot, an aircar and a skiff. Taanar used her Force power to grab the car and flip it upside down, then dropped it on top of the people who were on foot. After accomplishing this she retreated into the jungle foliage.
As Ren engaged with one of the pirate's who had fallen from the aircar, the sound of a lightsaber blade igniting could be heard. Vimma Montari had accompanied he pirates. She appeared to be enraged. Though she still wore her Imperial Knight armor, the insignia had been scraped off. She turned on Taanar and the two of them engaged with their lightsabers. While they fought, the rest of the team battled various pirates. Ren used his vibroknife to behead a Talz. The villagers joined in the battle.

But as Ayja provided encouragement, a native animal suddenly leaped out to attack her, disturbed by all of the noise and activity. The others were to occupied with the pirates to come to her aid. Nima attacked the skiff and damaged it, and it was destroyed when Ren hurled an ion grenade at it. The villagers swarmed over the pirates and one of them began to attack Vimma Montari. Sadly this villager was slain by one of the pirates. Vimma's frenzied attacks were taking a toll on Taanar, who had initially wanted to avoid harming the young woman but now had to fight back with deadly force.

Crashing noises issued from the jungle as a mining droid and a spider droid appeared. Nima ran to attack the spider droid. Den tossed an ion grenade at the mining droid, incapacitating it. His brother joined Nima in focusing on the spider droid, disabling one of its many legs. Nima destroyed the spider droid when she deflected one of its blasts back at it. Den continued to battle the mining droid. Taanar, aided by Ayja, struck a blow against Vimma Montari. Nima joined Taanar against Vimma as well, as did Den once the droid was eliminated. It was Ayja who's shot finally dropped Vimma Montari.

Ren and the surviving villagers finished off the remaining pirates. With the fighting over, Ayja rendered first aid. Taanar asked her to keep Vimma Montari sedated. The team said a gratefull farewell to the villagers and transported the unconscious former Imperial Knight back to the Dark Star. With the pirate group eliminated, the two freighters departed. As the Dark Star prepared to take off, the Resistance team planned to return her to the Empire.

Next: Episode 36, Broken Vows part 2