Friday, May 28, 2021

[Star Wars] New Centurions: Introduction - "Jedi Academy"


One hundred years have passed since the end of the previous campaign. Many of the heroes have passed on. The Jedi Order has continued as an altruistic force, focusing on work in the Unknown Regions and unaligned worlds. The Order seeks out those who show sensitivity to the Force and invites them to join in this work, if they choose, no matter how old they are.

While it is a time of relative peace, the Jedi Order is still needed to bring light & justice to the dark corners of the Galaxy. 

The Outer Rim and Unknown Regions teem with threats ranging from pirates and slavers to warlords and dark cults. The overworked forces of the New Republic rely on the Jedi to assist them in patrolling the frontier. This has led to an increase in the size of the Order.

As new candidates are found to join the Order, they travel to the Jedi Academy on Dantooine to begin their training….

Planet: Dantooine

Location: Training Academy of the Jedi Order

Trainee Candidate Assessment

Compiled by: Jedi Knight Kin-Ya Dosun

Jedi Knight Kin-Ya Dosun


Jedi Academy

The new class of trainee candidates appear promising. I have detected no immediate issues with the inclusion of candidates Choj'davu Secura and Ouda Secura, who were accepted for training when the personal attachment guidelines were waived at the request of Master Taanar Ryl. 

Jedi Master Taanar Ryl

It is understood that Master Taanar knew both candidates' grandfathers, who were members of the Antarian Rangers during her early years with the Order. Their great-aunt Nima Secura was at one time Master Taanar's padawan learner. Master Taanar feels that the Force has a purpose for the cousins. 

Choj'davu Secura

Ouda Secura

These four candidates have been formed into a cohort: Choj'davu Secura, Ouda Secura, Elashi Tanisho, and Dihan Falil. Candidate Choj'davu comes to us from the Antarian Rangers Junior Reserves with skills in use of heavy blasters and spacecraft operation. Candidate Ouda's nature is directed more toward communication and social skills. Candidate Dihan Falil is a Bothan candidate skilled with computer technology. Candidate Elashi Tanisho is a native of Cathar who wishes to honor the memory of the ancient Jedi heroes venerated by her people. 

Dihan Falil

Elashi Tanisho

Our other candidates for this group have been formed into a separate cohort. These are Mirialan Yaz Yavos, Human Zakary Wellons from the Outer Rim, Virine candidate Bountiful In Spirit, and Trandoshan candidate Ashretta.


Bountiful In Spirit

Yaz Yavos

Zakary Wellons

Observations: Candidate Choj has an unhealthy attachment to kaf and has also brought her own heavy blaster rifle. Candidate Elashi prefers not to wear footgear and is very interested in acrobatics. Candidate Dihan is reticent but very skilled in computer operation. Candidate Ouda has evidenced interest in using her Force talents to influence the minds of other beings. 

I have heard that Master Taanar had a personal meeting with Candidates Choj and Ouda shortly after their arrival. They have shared that in their discussion with her she spoke to them about their relatives and reminded them that they are not required to join the Jedi Order should they wish not to do so. 

During training Candidate Dihan researched a new feeding regimen for the rockhoppers that has improved their condition. He also suggested an improvement to the Academy computer systems. Candidates Choj and Elashi have both excelled at piloting starfighters. Candidate Ouda was given a task of visiting planet Avanell in the Lesser Lantillan Run to extend the Order's invitation for candidacy to the a mother whose child has demonstrated Force sensitivity. Candidate Ouda performed admirably in allaying the mother's fears and disabusing her of the rumor that our Order removes young children from their parents against their will.  

Jedi starfighter


Recently both cohorts of candidates made a visit to Rift City during a free period to listen to a musical group performance. They demonstrated their willingness to help others and combat criminals when they met a Human at the venue who appeared to be in distress. This Human was being harassed by by a group of Durros who proved to be members of the local Redfangs gang. The candidates were able to prevent the Redfangs from harming the Human without resorting to harmful violence. They reported that following this encounter they encouraged the Human to discontinue his relationship with the Redfangs and consider seeking a new life with the Antarian Rangers, which he declined. This incident provided an opportunity to teach the candidates about the importance of allowing others to choose their own paths in life. 


Redfang thug

The first cohort were assigned as responders when the Academy received a signal from an escape pod that fell in the Rifts region. This pod had landed near a mangle beetle nest and aroused the beetles. The cohort members were able to use their airspeeder to distract the beetles, allowing Candidates Ouda and Dihan to enter the pod. They experienced some beetle bites, but were able to rescue the occupant of the pod and treat his injuries. 

Mangle beetle

The occupant of the escape pod, a Snivvian named Bivo Snuko, has reported that he was placed in involuntary indenture to a corporation and had escaped from a vessel by using the pod. The corporation is the Gaffner Corporation, which is located in independent space and is not subject to the legal restrictions enforced by Imperial or Republic law. This organization has been placed under observation. 

Wrecked escape pod

Bivo Snukko

Neither cohort has been put forward for the exchange program with the Imperial Knight Academy. They will remain as students of the Jedi Academy. All members of both cohorts have elected to continue with Jedi training and have been advanced to Jedi Trainee status. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

[Pathfinder] Kingmaker Redux, part 34: Troubles and Bounties


From the journal of Lythande Syldorei

Mid-Neth, 4712

The past three months have been a challenge for us. There have been several waves of illness in our fledgling nation, and several monsters passing through that threatened our citizens. But the gods have also taken pity on us and given us a bounty of food to share with the people so those who have been too ill to work have not gone hungry. Praise the Dawnflower, I have been able to use her mercy to alleviate some suffering, though I have not the power of a priest to remove all illness from a sufferer. For this we had to reach out to our neighbors and ask for priests to come and give us their aid. Sadly they didn't arrive in time to prevent some deaths. We've started construction of an orphanage in Leveton to house some of the poor children who have lost their parents.

We had less opportunity to make improvements on our lands and towns during the plagues, but we've managed to begin construction of a castle in Leveton and added some walls to protect that community as there have been rumors of trouble in Brevoy. We've had reports of one of the Swordlord families being poisoned. 

Even more troubling were news of a giant seen in the south, and the lack of response to any messages we've sent to Varnhold. The giant problem has been dealt with, but we may need to pay Varnhold a visit. I pray that it's only other affairs taking up the Varnlings' attention that prevents them writing to us.

We haven't heard from Jubilost in some time, but he'd sent us maps of the territory his band explored south of the Gurdin River near Lake Silverstep. He spoke of an islet in the Little Sullen River, which he has for some reason named Dragonleaf Gulch. He hasn't explored the island itself but indicates there may be something dangerous on the island that was enough to keep the gnomes away. We planned to go and investigate further ourselves, as we hope to begin settling new citizens there in the future once we've prepared the way for them.

To prepare for our giant-hunting journey to the east, Maria suggested purchasing a large magical bag, something we wish that we'd had when we found the roc eggs. Prepared with this item to carry anything we found, we set out and came soon enough to evidence of the giant's presence: a series of huge footprints. Zander had become distracted by plucking blossoms to take back to Romakka and didn't notice the prints, but the rest of us soon spied a creature hiding behind a large log. When we noticed it the creature came rushing out with a roar. 

It wasn't the sort of giant I had expected. Chahana tried to speak with it in several languages, but she doesn't speak the language of giants and it didn't appear to understand her. Zander's attention was finally captured by something other than flowers when the giant rushed out. He took flight, and as he swooped around behind it he realized it was a marsh giant. They are very hardy and powerful but otherwise not especially resistant to weapons or spells. I called on the Guiding Light to grant me her aid and readied my spear in both hands, running up to join Maria as she had used her special ability to allow me to approach the giant without it being able to swing at me with the fishing spear it carried. 

Then a bolt of lightning went sizzling past me from Reislin. The giant then surrounded itself with a cloud of fog, making it difficult to see. The fog engulfed Maria, Zander, and I as well. This didn't entirely hide the giant from sight, as we were close enough that it wasn't completely obscured, but Goldwing had come with us and wasn't willing to fly into the fog. Zander stabbed it in the leg to prevent it moving away from us. Maria and I set upon it with our blades, and the giant retaliated by striking out at Maria. Then Zander stabbed it deeply with his blade from behind, and the giant toppled over.

The giant proved to be carrying a bag that, in addition to an assortment or rocks and tubers and a deboned pig carcass, also contained a very finely crafted warhammer of cold iron and a similarly fine scythe of ordinary steel. There was also a spell scroll among its possessions. I wonder who it took these items from, as I can see no reason for a marsh giant to need such things.

After our meeting with the marsh giant, we went on to the island Jubilost named Dragonleaf Gulch. Perhaps he meant that name to apply to the ravine where the island lies and not the island itself. It is a small crescent-shaped island covered in thick brush with a rocky edge along the northern shore. Soon enough we found evidence of something large that appeared to have dragged something along the ground, tearing up the soil and ground cover as it moved. 

Chahana suggested that perhaps it was some type of plant creature rather than an animal, and she was rapidly proved correct when a large plant creature appeared and moved aggressively toward us. The creature resembled a flytrap plant, but it was larger than any of us and had four mouths. It rushed right up to me and clamped one mouth down on my arm, holding me tight while it attempted to pull me inside its gullet.

Reislin fortified us with her spell of hasty movement while Zander took to the air, and I dropped the spear I'd been holding and drew my scimitar to slash at the monster. Chahana activated the magic of her helm and gored it with the stag antlers. The creature let me go when Maria moved toward it. With all of us surrounding it but Reislin, it reached out with its many mouths to bite each one of us. It suffered several gashes and was impaled by arrows and peppered with Reislin's tiny but unerring missiles. Then it got a secure hold on Zander and sucked him entirely into its mouth. Not even a bit of him was still visible. It grabbed me again and tried to do the same to me. From inside its mouth I felt its digestive juices trying to burn me, but the abilities I inherited from my celestial ancestor protected me, as they partly protected me a moment later when Reislin sent a bolt of lightning into the giant flytrap's body. Maria then stabbed it with all her might and the plant stopped moving and went flaccid, allowing a gasping and acid-burned Zander to escape.

After we dealt with the awful creature, truly a terrible danger to anyone innocently visiting its island, we found it had taken many victims from local wildlife and travelers. The island was littered with bones of all sorts of creatures, even a few people. To our surprise we discovered what were clearly the bones of centaurs as well, though we have only heard of the centaur tribes living on the other side of the mountains nearer to Varnhold. 

The creature's human victims had left behind some items that we gathered up before making our way back to Lorewynd. We found a sum of gold and silver coins and even a few platinum pieces, a quality sword, a magical rod that can allow a mage to cast spells silently, and an enchanted helm that permits the wearer to understand unknown languages and read magical texts. 

Next: part 35, A New Year

Monday, May 17, 2021

[Pathfinder] Kingmaker Redux, part 33: The Talon Tower


From the journal of Lythande Syldorei

Sunday, 1st Rova

We leave the strange tower on Candlekeep Isle be for now. None that we know have the power to rid it of its evil taint.

Now we go to the east, to Lake Silverstep, in company with Zander's family and their clan as they seek a new home. Zander says that they have no permanent home, but while Maraleaf still holds the demon imprisoned within her they will remain near the lake. 

Jubilost Narthropple and his team have only been near the lake, they haven't made a thorough exploration of the area surrounding it. They told us of two ruined towers, one overlooking the lake and the other above the pass across the mountains to Varnhold. There are rumors of orcs and trolls in those mountains, as well as a great black bird and possibly a dragon. If we are to expand the territory of Neotellus toward the mountains we should know what dangers we face.

Besides exploration we have other possible quests to complete while we're away. A local poet asked seeks a collection of manticore quills, though to be truthful I hope we meet no more of those. Bevan, the proprietor of the Knife and Frog Inn in Lorewynd, has decided he's like to have a challenge with other cooks to prepare an enormous egg dish, ideally made from roc eggs! And our cook at Castle Lorewynd desires some silver eels which he says can be found in Lake Silverstep. We've also heard of a missing nobleman we'll have to keep a lookout for, and there's someone who claims to have lost a wand, though I'm not sure how we'll ever find that. 

Toilday, 3rd Rova

We followed the Gudrun River toward the lake. The river has few fording points along that stretch, but as we got closer to the foothills of the Tors of the Levenies, there are low cliffs over the river channel that may make good footings for a bridge someday. 

The lake is a beautiful location. The water is very clear, which makes it possible to see how many different varieties of fish are swimming in it. Goldwing seems to quite enjoy catching fish. The hunting must be good in this area as well, as he flies off for a time and returns looking satisfied. There are many fey around the lake also, though none of them have been hostile toward us. My friends have been practicing speaking the fey tongue to let the fey know we mean them no harm. 

Wealday, 4th Rova

We parted ways with the Tiger Lords temporarily. They are going north of the lake, while we will remain on the south side to explore. We plan to meet them in a few days. 

Oathday, 5th Rova

There's been little sign of people every having lived near the lake. The towers looking down from the mountains are the only signs of past habitation. We had come to the area between the 'toes' of the lake, which according to lore was formed with the waters of the Gudrun and the mountain streams ran into the footprint of a vast dragon long ago. I've heard that the eldest of dragons are quite impressive in size, but I've never heard of one whose foot was as large as the lake. Perhaps they were larger in the age before Earthfall.

We came to an area that was unusually muddy, which seems to be connected to a spring. There was steam flowing out of the mud. Amid the mud we noticed the remnants of a stone structure, just a bit of fallen wall. Reislin and Maria wanted to examine it, so we all began to wade into the deep mud. Reislin of course took flight, not wanting to soil her clothes or wear herself out struggling through the mud. Zander set down the sapling so we could move with less difficulty. When we drew closer to the structure, Reislin stated that she thought the stones showed signs of elven work. But we were all distracted from the ruin when Maria pointed out that there was something moving in the mud.

As Maria spoke, a group of creatures rose up out of the mud. They were made of mud themselves, vaguely shaped like people. Chahana tried to speak with them to convince them we meant no harm and sought to parley, but they did not respond. While Chahana was speaking to them Reislin observed them closely from her higher vantage and told us through her message spell that these were mudmen, creatures from the Elemental Plane of Earth. She speculated that this mud flat was located on a weak place in the barrier between that plane and the Material Plane. The mudmen had no intelligence, being as simple as animals, and as elemental creatures they could best be harmed by enchanted blunt weapons, which we sadly lack. 

I suggested to the others that perhaps we needn't fight them at all and could simply withdraw, but it was too late for that. The mudmen began hurling projectiles of mud at us. These solidified on impact, which I experienced myself when one of them struck me. Then the mudmen came closer to us and began to hurl themselves at us. One of them engulfed me. I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe. I might have breathed my last under a layer of mud had not Maria and Chahana directed their attacks at the creature until it fell away from me.

I drew my mace and began to batter one of the mudmen that was threatening to get too close to Chahana, who was using her bow to fire arrows at them in rapid succession. Several mudmen surrounded Maria and Reislin caused many of them to fall with a blast of flames. Another mudman wrapped itself around me, but my arm was free and I was able to continue beating it until it released me. Zander had to do the same. Not all the mudmen had such good aim, fortunately, as several of them attempted to leap on one or another of us and fell short. 

In the end we slew a dozen of the creatures. When they died they became almost indistinguishable from the mud flat where we had found them. Zander wondered if there was any way to strengthen the barrier between planes, as if we ever wish to create a settlement near the lake having it under attack by mudmen would not be desirable. Reislin said that she knows of no way to do this herself, but it may be possible and she will research this question.

Amid the mud we discovered the remains of a man. He had with him a strange silver figurine, which Reislin recognized as of Taldan make. The figure is not magical, and we have no idea why this lone man was near the lake.

After we left the mud flat behind, we met with the Tiger Lords. They've found a good spot to settle for however long they stay. There is plenty of water, game, and fish. Naturally they are not concerned that more mudmen may appear. I suspect they may send people to visit the mud flat in the hope that more will be there.

We decided that our next act would be to find a way up to the two ruined towers. This proved to be easier to say than to do. The tower that overlooks the lake, which Jubilost has named Talon Tower because it resembles a claw, proved to have no method of accessing it from below. There is no path leading up to it, no cave indicating that there might be a tunnel or stair from beneath, no handholds for climbing up the sheer cliff on which it stands. It is at the pinnacle of a narrow spur of rock, making it very difficult for any threat to reach it that isn't flying or able to transport itself magically. 

Zander wanted to climb up, but the rest of us were not enthusiastic about climbing such a sheer rock face. We are not skilled climbers. We decided instead to go to the second tower that overlooks the pass to Varnhold. This tower also proved to be difficult to access, as we could find no passage to it. Reislin agreed to fly up to it to take a closer look, keeping us in communication all the while with her magic.

When she reached the promontory where the tower stood, Reislin told us that she could see Varnhold from that vantage. She was surprised by the size of the town. It had fewer farms surrounding it than Lorewynd has. But Maegar Varn had never intended to make himself a lord of a territory. He only sought a base of operations where he would not be subject to taxation by any kingdom. 

Reislin also spied a path to the east down below the tower, which she traced out for us. We followed the path up to the tower. This one had the look of human construction, possibly Taldan. We could find nothing to indicate why it had been abandoned. Perhaps it simply lacked an adequate supply route, as there are no signs here of old roads. It must have lain on the westernmost limits of the territory Taldor claimed, as it faces toward the lands we are now claiming for Neotellus.

After we left that tower we turned back to Talon Tower, still hoping to find some way up. Once again Reislin flew to look at it, while I watched the sky for any threat. Goldwing had left us, indicating to me that there was something in this area that would hunt creatures like him. We found out soon enough what it was that he feared. Just as Reislin flew over the tower, an enormous black bird raised its head to look at her and then took flight.

Reislin identified it as a roc. They are no more clever than an ordinary bird, less intelligent than Goldwing but far more dangerous. Reislin used a spell to reappear on the ground with the rest of our group and the roc swooped down on us with a screech that shook the trees. Reislin gave us all greater speed. I shouted for everyone to get to the cliff and waited while the others ran. We pressed ourselves against the base of the cliff to make it more difficult for the great bird to snatch us up. Despite this one of its talons that were as long as I am tall caught Reilin and she was swept away by the terrible creature. 

I had been prepared to strike with my spear, but I realized that I would never get close enough. The roc could strike with a talon or its vast beak if I drew close enough to stab it, and it could have easily swallowed a horse or a griffin in one gulp. Reislin had attempted to distract it by summoning a horse, but the roc paid it no mind and the terrified horse ran away. I dropped my spear and drew my bow. Chahana stood beside me, firing arrow after arrow. Zander had taken flight and gone into cover among some nearby brush. Maria doesn't use a bow and kept her sword at the ready, though her eyes were wide. The roc was indeed frightful. 

Reislin had given flight to Maria as well as herself before the roc snatched her up, leaving myself and Chahana the only members of our little group who were not able to fly. The roc swept to one side of the pinnacle on which the tower stood, and Maria and Zander joined to flank it, while Chahana continued to fire many arrows into its huge form. I also kept firing at the roc, but because I couldn't fire as many arrows as Chahana could I was blessed with fewer successful hits. It was difficult to penetrate the roc's massive feathers. But penetrate them we did, praise the Dawnflower. The roc released Reislin from its grasp, turning on Zander and Maria, and our combined attacks finally brought it down.

When we were certain that the roc was dead and our wounds had been healed, Reislin flew back up to the tower and found that there was a nest containing four eggs within it. At first she wondered if we might be able to raise the roc chicks to act as defenders for our realm, but then she recognized that the roc had no mate and the eggs contained no chicks. Determining how to remove the eggs proved a bit difficult. Reislin cast a spell on Zander to make him capable of carrying more weight than he ordinarily was capable of, and he used ropes to help him bring the eggs down from the tower. We took them to the Tiger Lord camp and shared one egg with the tribe. 

The following day we decided we would practice fishing in Lake Silverstep to fulfill the cook's request for silver eels. I'm afraid none of us are skilled as fishers. It took us three days to catch enough eels to satisfy the number the cook had asked for with a few to spare. Goldwing is much better at catching fish than we are. 

Wealday, 19 Rova

We returned triumphant to Lorewynd to hand over our spoils to Bevan and the cook. A second roc egg was used to prepare a celebratory breakfast, accompanied by some eels. It was quite a tasty repast.

I have written to a saddlemaker in Iadara to seek a saddle for Goldwing and am awaiting a reply. 

Next: part 34, Troubles and Bounties