Tuesday, July 28, 2020

[Pathfinder] Kingmaker Redux, part 18: Little Boy Lost

From the journal of Lythande Syldorei

As Reislin rode to the north upon her summoned horse, Chahana suggested to the rest of us that we move away from the old woman's cottage and set up camp for the evening, after which she wished to speak with us. She and Maria found a location they felt was suitable and we set up our campsite in silence. Chahana then told us she wished to be left to herself for a short while before speaking to us all.

When she sat down upon a fallen tree trunk, she asked that we not interrupt her until she had finished. Then she spoke to us of how she felt that up until this time she felt she had done well in the role of leader, and that if we concluded she was not fit for that role she hoped there would still be a place for her in Neotellus.

Zander was not at all interested in this discussion, but immediately spoke up when Chahana had finished, asking what we should do about Reislin who was on her own in this wild region that we had yet to fully explore. He felt that we should set off in search of her at once. Maria concurred with his opinion.

Not wanting to disregard what Chahana had said, I commented that perhaps rather than going at once to speak to the old woman we should have investigated the disappearances first and spoken to the parents of the children who vanished. My comrades reminded me that the other rumors we had followed had proved to be largely true and we had no cause to assume this one was untrue, and also that the old woman in the cottage certainly had behaved in a manner that would give the local folk reason to be fearful of her.

In the end we set aside discussion of Chahana's leadership in favor of following Reislin to make sure she was safe. Hoofprints that were presumably those of her steed were soon discovered. We traveled into a marshy area along the southern shore of the Tuskwater when we came upon another set of tracks that resembled those of the troll we had encountered during the past winter. Zander asked Chahana what we should do, and she replied that we should investigate them and deal with it if it should prove to be a danger. Zander then asked Maria what should be done, and she stated we should find out what the presumed troll was up to. Zander wondered if we should try to approach stealthily, but Maria suggested we try to get closer and observe if we could.

Soon enough we confirmed that the tracks we had found were those of a troll. This one was accompanied by half a dozen kobolds of the same purple-scaled tribe we had run afoul of before. This we knew was unusual, as trolls and kobolds are seldom friendly.

The kobolds noticed us at once and began hurling slingstones at us though it seemed their aim was only good when they were aiming at Zander. Chahan drew nearer to them and fired her bow. The troll jumped up from where it had been sitting and rushed up to us roaring, bearing no weapon but its claws and teeth. I drove my spear into it with both hands. Maria flanked it as the kobolds encircled us, but they didn't prove serious foes. Neither did the troll, who fell soon enough though his trollish healing ability prevented him from dying until Zander methodically cut him to pieces and several vials of acid were emptied upon the bits to dissolve them.

We had managed to take one kobold prisoner and questioned him. Zander asked if we should slay him or let him go after we asked our questions, to which Chahana replied that this depended upon his responses. The kobold told us that their leader was 'King Troll', who was described as a mighty warrior capable of slaying dragons. The kobold claimed that they had no encampment but were wandering hunters, and that there were "many twenties" of kobolds in their band. The kobold professed not to have seen Reislin. He also claimed that their troll king would take our land from us and the kobolds would eat all the people of Neotellus.

In the end we let the kobold go, as several others had fled when the troll fell and we hoped they would all tell the Troll King that his enemies were more worthy than he thought. The kobold attempted to elicit some information from us before running away but we did not fall for his tricks.

There was no sign of Reislin around the place where the troll and kobolds had rested. As it was close to dusk by this point we again made camp, the others being unwilling to let me lead them through the darkness.

We returned to Lorewynd on the following morning. Before we set off, Chahana told us she had received a message from Reislin during the night assuring her that she was well and had already reached the town. When we arrived the guards at the gate were quite dismayed that we had come separately from Reislin. Reislin did not wish to meet with us at that time, and after leaving our gear in our rooms we each went about our own business. I have taken up a practice of walking about the town and castle and extending the Dawnflower's healing to anyone I find who is ill or injured. When next we speak of inviting more merchants to our fair town I shall recommend a baker, so that I may ask the baker to bake some loaves of Dawnflower bread if I am able to acquire sunflowers.

26th Rova

Chahana summoned us all to meet with her in a parlor of Castle Lorewynd, and asked if any of us wished for her to step down from her role in our new land. To this I replied that she had made only one mistake, one that did not result in anyone's death or any endangerment of Neotellus. Maria then told her that perhaps she should remember a leader is not required to fulfill all roles and she should allow the rest of us to take on more responsibilities. To that end Chahana suggested that henceforth when we wish to meet peacefully with folk she will allow me to speak first, as Sarenrae has granted me the gift of speaking kindly, which Chahana herself finds difficult.

We also had a discussion of whether or not the land on which the old lady has built her cottage is in fact part of Neotellus. In the end we concluded that we cannot lay claim to it, at least not yet, as we have not acquainted ourselves with all that surrounds it. Some among us felt that our writs from Brevoy granted us all the land between the Narlmarches and the Tors of the Levenies to east and west, and that land from the southern border of Brevoy to Lake Candlemere north to south. But after we talked of this I am convinced that we have only been granted the right to lay claim to those lands, but our claim has not been established yet.

There was a great deal of conversation surrounding what had happened at the old woman's cottage and how everyone had behaved, which I will not transcribe here. Chahana wishes to contact Tyressia and Falchos and seek out their knowledge of the old woman. She has now become convinced the old lady is harmless as I at first thought. I saw no evil in her soul, but I must not forget that she can be dangerous without having an evil nature.

Later that day we were approached by a man who asked if he might have our support to found a new village near the old tatzlwyrm den. Chahana has agreed that once we have secured that area for their safety he and his family are welcome to settle there.

As we were about to part, a distraught couple came to us begging us to find their young son who had been missing for three days. This couple, the Tannorsens, are known to us, and Reislin seemed to be aware of their boy Tygg. It seems he is fond of exploring the shore of the Tuskwater and had not returned from his last foray. The guards had been unable to locate him. After telling the guards to send someone to tell us if the boy returned, we gathered up our traveling equipment again and set out in search of the child.

28th Rova

On our second day searching along the edge of the Tuskwater to the south of Lorewynd, we came upon a small shoe that appeared to made for a child. It did not have the appearance of something that had been lying in the open for many weeks. We had also come to the shore of Lake Candlemere, and had spied a ruined tower on an isle in the center of the lake. Reislin much desired to find a way to reach the island and explore the ruin, but we were focused on finding the missing boy and determined to circle the lake.

29th Rova

Lake Candlemere is not a large body of water. We found a river that runs from the lake into the Kamelands. This river is surrounded by marshland, and this was where we noticed smoke in the near distance. We had heard of lizardfolk in this region and decided to investigate the source of the smoke. Soon enough we came upon a hillock that rose above the marsh, from which several columns of smoke as from cooking fires rose into the sky. This hillock was surrounded by a palisade of sharpened tree limbs. On one side was a gate, over which lizardfolk stood guard. As we were looking at this, we heard what we all felt was the scream of a human child, perhaps in fear or pain. Immediately we began to make our way to the gate, observing as we approached that the guards did not appear to be hostile toward us.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

[Pathfinder] Kingmaker Redux, part 17: The Witch's Spell

From the journal of Lythande Syldorei

Sunday, 17th Rova

When the bats began to return to the Lonely Barrow, we took our leave of that place. After one of the undead in the barrow had touched me I felt a general malaise, but by the following day this had passed. The upcoming Toilday would be a holy day for Iomedae, and we wanted to return to Lorewynde for the celebration.

While in Lorewynde we heard rumors of violent lizardfolk in the south, more tales of the green dragon we'd heard rumored previously, a mad hermit who lives in a hollow tree, and a witch in the swamps who eats children. It sorrows my heart that there are never rumors of anything favorable.

The next few days were uneventful as we made our way to the hills at the foot of the Tors of the Levenies and reached the banks of the Gurdin River. There was no good fording place readily found there, but when we headed into the hills near the Tuskwater on the 20th of Rova, we came upon a good spot to cross.

Sunday, 24th Rova

As we headed south toward the Tuskwater we came upon tracks of wagons. We had heard of farms established near the Tuskwater, and soon enough we came upon a man carrying several fishing poles in the early afternoon. Chahana greeted him, and upon learning who we were he quickly advised us of a difficulty he faced in his fishing: a large creature he referred to as "Old Crackjaw" kept stealing his catch. He told us he would give us a magic ring he'd found if we would deal with Old Crackjaw. Questioned further, he explained that he had come from the Lake of Mist and Steam in northern Brevoy while he showed us to his favorite fishing location where his boat was moored. At this point we could see the bottom of the lake through the water for a short distance and then it appeared that there was a sharp drop where the water became much deeper.

As we stood on the shore near Arven's boat, Reislin decided to summon a horse to appear in the shallow water. Just after the horse appeared Maria observed a ripple in the water. When she pointed this out I readied my spear. A large turtle shell, of a size that an elf could curl up within it, appeared moving toward Reislin's horse. Maria and Reislin were standing close to the edge of the water and this large turtle made as if to lunge out of the water at them. Both of them stepped aside to avoid it. The creature had rather dismaying tusks in its mouth. I decided to reposition myself nearer to Reislin and Arven's boat that I might better reach it if it emerged from the lake.

Crackjaw crawled out of the lake and snarled. Zander began to wade out to get behind the turtle, and Maria followed. I heard Reislin speak the words of the now familiar spell to grant us all the ability to move faster. She also lifted off the ground and flew upward, coming to a stop more than three times her own height. Her horse moved away from the turtle. When I looked out I saw that Maria in her heavy armor was struggling a bit to avoid sinking. I moved forward to get closer to the turtle and asked Chahana if she thought we should slay it or merely drive it away. Crackjaw circled, snarled again, and charged toward Maria and Zander moved toward the turtle while Reislin raised her wand to send her tiny missiles at it. Chahana plied her bow, but her arrows couldn't penetrate the turtle's shell. Now that I could see it better I recalled that this type of turtle was called a hookjaw snapping turtle, which could be powerful and dangerous enough to destroy a boat. This one by its look was old and aggressive, which made me realize that driving it away would likely not be adequate to remove the threat it posed to anyone attempting travel on the Tuskwater.

Zander sliced at Crackjaw with his sword, and I waded into the shallow water myself to thrust my spear at it. Maria had recovered her footing and swung her blade as well. Crackjaw thrashed about as it bled its last. When it fell still, we dragged its corpse onto the shore and Zander began to cut it apart, desiring to have its shell transformed into armor.

Arven rewarded us as he had promised with a ring that will allow a falling person to float to the ground like a leaf. Discussion of this ring reminded us of another ring we had recently acquired, which Reislin said would allow a person to go without food or sleep without suffering any ill effect if one wore the ring for a week to attune to it. Both she and Chahana thought this ring's enchantment would be most useful, but Zander had no interest in it at all, stating that he was too fond of eating and sleeping to dispense with either activity.

Before we departed from that part of the Tuskwater, Chahana noticed bones in the mud that resembled the bones of an elf or human. Among these bones she found a blue crystal the size of my fist. When she showed this to Reislin, Reislin determined that it was a magic gem capable of summoning a water elemental, though after one use it would become inert. We searched around the area for anything else of curiosity but found nothing. We have no idea who the poor person bearing the gem was, or why that person was unable to use the gem to save himself or herself from whatever fate befell them.

We returned to Lorewynde in time to celebrate the Autumn Equinox. While there we heard the rumor of the swamp witch, which I mistakenly stated we had heard earlier. We decided that as this tale dealt with children we should investigate it first when we left again.

Here my tale grows disheartening, and I am reluctant to write it down. Yet I shall, for it should be recorded lest I forget.

We came upon a small cottage surrounded by a fenced garden with a scarecrow standing watch over it. We wanted to ask the occupants if they knew of the rumored swamp witch, but we stopped at the garden gate and called out a greeting, Chahana taking the lead in this. There was no response at first. Maria called out a second time in a louder voice, but this still brought no reply. Chahana then decided to open the gate and walk up to the door. Just as she did this Maria noticed there was a bell hanging on the gate post. Then someone looked out through a window and shouted to us, asking who we were. The speaker's tone was not welcoming. Chahana explained that we had come from Lorewynde, to which the speaker called out that it lay to the north, leading Chahana to think the person in the cottage could not hear well. Further attempt at an introduction only elicited demands from the cottage occupant that we go away, and accusations that we meant to claim her land.

I added my voice to the others, endeavoring to persuade the old woman to allow us to speak with her and demonstrate that the rumors of the swamp witch did not refer to her, but it was to no avail. Chahana determined to approach the cottage and try to speak with the woman without shouting from the gate. As soon as she stepped inside the garden, the scarecrow began to move. Masses of fireflies few out of its head. Maria and Reislin found them fascinating to watch and lost all interest in speaking to the old woman.

I readied my shield and stepped up beside Chahana. Chahana readied her own shield as well and drew her sword to defend herself from the scarecrow. Maria shook off the effect of the fireflies and tried to strike the scarecrow but immediately fell under the spell of the fireflies again. Zander joined us and averted his gaze as he swung blindly at the scarecrow, which meant that he was unable to strike it. The scarecrow then attacked Chahana, slamming its body into her twice. She had also been entranced by the fireflies, but recovered herself. She and Zander flanked the thing, yet because they didn't dare to look directly at it their blades could not touch it.

I put my shield up between my eyes and the scarecrow and attempted to hit it with the shield on the theory that the larger surface of the shield might give me an advantage to touch it when I couldn't see it, but this availed me nothing. Chahana backed away and took out her bow to fire an arrow at the scarecrow. While we were all trying to hit it Maria recovered again and realized that it must be some variety of construct, which would be immune to attacks that carried cold energy or magic that could affect the mind as it didn't have one. Then Zander struck it and it shattered. With the scarecrow gone Reislin was freed of the entrancing fireflies.

I lent some of the Dawnflower's healing mercies to Chahana, who had suffered some harm from the scarecrow. As I did this I asked her what we should do. Chahana still desired to speak with the old woman. Maria reminded her that we hadn't yet declared our claim on this land, and Reislin stated that she thought we should still investigate the rumor. Chahana then called out again, insisting that we would speak to her about these charges. I felt some discomfort at her tone in this pronouncement, but I did not object, though I wondered what she would do should the woman continue to refuse to speak with her. The woman did not answer, and then I voiced my concern. Should we drag her out of her cottage and threaten her with harm to make her speak?

Maria looked around the garden and observed that there were some poisonous plants within it. She shared this information with the rest of us. The garden was also full of small fetishes, the purpose of which I did not know. Reislin examined them but she also was unfamiliar with their purpose. Then the door opened and the old woman looked out. She looked older than anyone I have ever seen before, with a cast to her features that perhaps spoke of fey ancestry. Her demeanor was hostile and she began to speak and gesture as though casting a spell. Reislin warned that this spell was meant to frighten us, but the Dawnflower has lent me a mantle of her power that is proof from fear and because Chahana and Maria were next to me they also were protected but not entirely immune. Zander was not within the spell's range and Reislin was still by the garden gate.

Maria cast a spell of her own and stepped forward, attempting to intimidate the old woman. I also stepped up and tried to soothe the woman's ire, but it was too late. Chahana implored her to speak civilly with us but she cast another spell at Chahana, Maria, and Zander. Zander attempted to get inside her house but was unable to get through the doorway. The woman swung her walking stick at him. Maria swung her sword at the old lady, moving oddly slowly, and her blade drew green blood. I availed myself of Sarenrae's power to perceive evil in the souls of creatures but I saw no evil in her. Perhaps the hue of her blood came from her fey ancestors. I attempted to persuade Maria to forego attacking her because she was a frail old woman. Maria then somehow struck Zander. Chahana shouted out for us to back away and continued pleading for the woman to talk to us. The old woman cast another spell and Maria fell over.

This must have distressed Reislin, for she began to cast spells at the old woman. A spider's web covered the little cottage, trapping the woman within but not hindering her from using her magics. Chahana realized that Maria was asleep. I tried to convince my companions that the woman was harmless and we should not accept the rumor without proof, but the old woman's anger coupled with our own anger and fear led us all to foolish reactions. Reislin kep trying to cast spells at her while Chahana attempted to forcibly drag Reislin away. Zander bore Maria's sleeping form out of the garden and woke her, but she was confused and began shouting at Chahana that she was a poor leader. Zander walked away rather listen to all of this.

When Chahana let go of Reislin, Reislin angrily summoned another horse, mounted it, and rode off to the north. I said a blessing over the garden before we departed, leaving behind a furiously angry old woman.

I fear this may have caused Reislin to abandon us, and also has broken Chahana's confidence in her ability to lead us. But I will pray to the Dawnflower and hope that she will show me the way to restore our faith in each other.

Next: part 18, Little Boy Lost

Sunday, July 12, 2020

[Pathfinder] Kingmaker Redux, part 16: Into the Kamelands

From the journal of Lythande Syldorei

13th Rova, 4711

It sorrows me to write the dates of the human calendar for this month, as they've chosen to name this month for the Dawnflower's greatest enemy.

We still struggle with how we should respond to the evidence of worship of the Angry Hag. I think that Chahana might gladly ban such worship and banish the worshippers, though we've not sent such a message to those we've invited to settle in Neotellus. Though it was I who pointed the stones out to Chahana, after I meditating on the teachings of the Dawnflower I realize that she would wish me to lead the Hag's followers into her light, not punish them for their choice of worship. I will encourage Chahana toward that view.

We visited the keeper of the shrine to see if he would be able to help the merchant who was attacked by Kundal, and to ask him what he knows of the person who left the stones for the Hag. I do not feel that went the way I would have liked, as the words that Chahana and Maria said to him made it seem that we wish the Hag's followers ill. Those words didn't seem to suit the shrine-minder well either. He came here for freedom to worship as he chose, though he seems to follow less distasteful gods such as Erastil. There are signs of many different gods being venerated in this small shrine: Erastil, Iomedae, Gorum, Caiden Cailean, Desna, Calistria, and the local god Hanspur. The shrine keeper did tell Chahana what the woman looked like who had left the stones, and that she had a babe with her and looked to have fallen on hard times. I hope we can find her and help her, and show her that the Hag's ways of spite and vengeance will bring her only more pain. Zander has set himself the task of locating this woman.

After meeting the shrine keeper, we returned to Castle Lorewynd to speak to Kundal. He had been drinking heavily the night before and was not in the best of condition. He was still sleeping when we arrived. One of the guards kicked him awake. I am not best pleased with them kicking a prisoner, but they were no doubt angry with him for slaying Saki, and perhaps fearful of his ability to transform into a werewolf.

Chahana described to him what we'd found in his room at the Knife & Toad, which he professed to nothing about. She then asked him when he became a werewolf. He didn't deny that he was one, nor did he know when this curse or disease befell him. He mentioned having been troubled by a pack of wolves and being attacked by something that he said resembled a bear. But he was unclear on how long ago these events took place. He described having unpleasant dreams, but didn't appear to associate them with either the creatures that attacked him or with what had happened the night before. He seemed resigned and disinterested, though that could be because he was suffering the effects of his drinking and we hadn't used our magics to heal all of his wounds.

After we left him we went to another room to discuss what we should do with him. We wondered if he should be blamed for what he did under the effects of something outside his control. Reislin told us that lycanthropy can be a curse, or a disease inflicted by a bite from one already afflicted, or it can be inherited from one's ancestors. In any case it is not easy to cure. It seems that only the divine magic granted to a priest of great knowledge and experience can do anything to treat this curse, and we know of no such priests even in Restov. There are tales of herbs or other methods used to treat lycanthropy, but these sound just as likely to harm the sufferer as to cure him. Maria then became upset and told us a tale of her own life. It seems as a child she was taken from her family and tortured and forced to do things she knew were wrong because she thought she had no choice but to obey those who commanded her to kill. Reislin, Chahana and I felt great sympathy for her and assured her that her deeds since she joined our company showed that she has redeemed herself. But her own experiences made her feel much sympathy for Kundal's plight and she was troubled that we might punish him when he hadn't chosen to become a werewolf. Yet at the same time she thought he should have known his dreams were a sign of trouble and kept himself apart from other people, and that he seemed to have no remorse for the deaths of Bevan and Saki.

We were interrupted by the arrival of Bevan's parents, who demanded to know why the culprit hadn't yet been executed for his crime. Bevan's father would not be placated, although when Zander arrived he was able to persuade them to leave. In the end we decided that we had no choice but to execute Kundal, as we couldn't cure him and we couldn't keep him prisoner, and we were unwilling to banish him and allow him to possibly slay other innocents when the curse took him. We sent men out to make the announcement to the citizens that he would be hung in the morning, and had a messenger sent to Leveton to give them the news.

I don't want to dwell on the execution of Kundal. As with our choice to execute the bandits we found at the Thorn River camp, it is not a decision that I take lightly.

16th Rova

We've decided that we need time away from Lorewynd to explore some of the territory to our west. We've heard rumors of a dragon slaying settlers and we feel we need to attend to this matter. We've set out once again with Zander's wagon to see what awaits us.

We had only just reached the rocky rolling plains known as the Kamelands when we met our first trouble. Chahana was the first to see several creatures moving in the long grass. These began to move in our direction and soon revealed themselves to be a pack of four wolves, led by what Reislin recognized as a worg. This worg climbed upon on a large boulder and shouted at us in a tongue we could all understand, proclaiming itself 'Howl of the North Wind' and declaring that this territory belonged to it. To this Chahana replied that the word was mistaken and the land belongs to us, and she followed this by putting an arrow in the worg's hide.

Maria and Zander went forward to face the worg and two of the wolves attacked them, while the other two rushed at the wagon where Reislin and Chahana and I stood. It was not a difficult fight. Though the worg had sufficient intelligence to speak, it was not protected by any magical defenses or special abilities, and its companions were ordinary wolves easily slain with arrows and blades. When all but one wolf had fallen the last fled, but Chahana didn't allow it to escape. Afterward Zander took all the pelts and we went on our way.

The maps provided by Jubilost Narthropple showed us the location of an ancient barrow not far from where we dispatched the worg, and we decided to journey there and see what if anything it held. The mound had split open, forming a cave-like entrance. Zander went in and Chahana looked through the crack, observing that the walls were covered in a mosaic of simple village life and the floor was layered deep with guano and live insects. Innumerable bats hung from the ceiling where they rested. Zander decided to investigate further into the barrow and made his way past the bats to where he found a circular chamber with four passages radiating off it. At each intersection of the passages with the central space was a human face carved into the stone. One of these seemed to inhale as if taking a breath and then breathed out a cloud of black smoke that engulfed Zander. He instantly felt as if he had run for days while carrying a heavy load and eating nothing. He staggered back outside and was scarcely able to tell us what had happened to him so exhausted he was. His stumbling steps disturbed the bats and they came swarming out, though they paid us no mind.

Chahan then rashly decided to enter the barrow and see what Zander had seen, as his weariness prevented him from describing it in detail. The rest of us decided to follow her, letting Zander rest outside.

Beyond the first chamber we came within sight of the circular room. A skeleton lay upon the floor, whatever gear the person had carried in life now almost rotted away. We saw the four faces carved into the walls, and the four passages leading away. Reislin realized that the faces represented wind spirits of the four cardinal directions, and she wondered if they had any relation to the worg's name for itself, Howl of the North Wind. Maria noticed that the skeleton wore a ring that radiated a magical aura, and she used her net to catch hold of it and pull it toward her. Then Chahana and Reislin heard sounds coming from the passage to the north and relayed this information to Maria and myself, as we had heard nothing.

The sounds proved to be the movements of two animated skeletons that entered the central chamber. Chahana stepped inside that chamber so that the rest of use could move closer to the end of the passage in which we stood, and the carved faces did nothing. One skeleton moved toward Maria, and then another. Then the central chamber rapidly filled as ten more skeletons appeared! All of them wielded curved swords and wore chain shirts, though their equipment appeared not to have withstood the passage of time well.

I had drawn my scimitar, but on seeing the skeletons I exchanged it for my mace that I knew would be more effective against these undead creatures that have no flesh. I warned my friends to use weapons other than swords or spears if they could, and that magical cold would have no effect on these things. Maria and Chahana lacked any weapons without blades or points and began to bash the skeletons with their shields. Reislin had taken flight when we entered to avoid stepping in the bat excrement, but the ceiling of the barrow was too low to keep her out of reach of the skeletons. She used the last charge on a wand she carried to blast out a gout of flame that transformed two of the skeletons into heaps of ash, but this drew the attention of the others to her and they began to slash at her with their broken swords or their bone claws.

I stepped forward and with the Dawnflower's might on my side I left one skeleton in an inanimate heap of bones. Reislin had granted us magical haste, and with it Maria used her shield to destroy two more. A third fell to me with my next step. Reislin used a scroll to heal the wounds the skeletons had inflicted on her, and upon hearing through her messenger spell that we had met foes, Zander entered the passage behind us and used his magic to grant Reislin yet more healing. Chahana's shield brought down another skeleton and now we had halved the number of our foes.

Chahana and Maria brought their shields down on two more skeletons and felled them just as Reislin's magic wore off. I crushed a third, and Zander attempted unsuccessfully to use his healing magic to harm another, which was then destroyed by Chahana. We all breathed a sigh of relief that the skeletons had fallen. What they left behind was in such poor condition that it scarce seemed worth the effort of gathering it up.

We made our way cautiously around the center chamber to check the north and south passages, find that both led into small chambers occupied by biers. The signs there indicated that the skeletons had long stood in these chambers unmoving, awaiting some unlucky explorer like the unfortunate person who had died in the central space. But no more skeletons assailed us and the carved faces did not afflict us with the cloud that had hurt Zander.

The last passage that ran to the east led into a larger chamber that held a single bier with a skeletal warrior clutching a sword lying atop it. Decayed banners adorned the walls, and there were various arms and armor stored in the chamber. Reislin recognized the banners as being of designs used by the Kelid barbarians to the north. She was most interested in the historical aspects of the place. Then as we moved nearer to the warrior's bier, something rose up from behind it. We saw another skeletal figure clutching a broken sword, but this one seemed somehow sturdier than those we had destroyed in the room behind us. I at once called on the Dawnflower to grant me her power and channeled her healing at the skeletal warrior, knowing that healing magic harms many undead creatures. But he did not seem much affected by Sarenrae's power. He moved surprisingly quickly to Maria's side and swung his broken blade at her, but his strike slid off her armor.

Zander had recovered from the effect of the black cloud and now slid deftly past the warrior to attack, though his blade could not pierce the skeleton's armor. The skeletal warrior slashed him in response. Chahana dropped the lantern she carried to draw her blade and attack with no more success than Zander. Reislin warned us that this was a cairn wight, capable of draining life energy from us with his blade or his touch. I sent another wave of Sarenrae's healing light at him. The wight then moved toward Reislin, unheeding of our presence, and though we all attempted to strike him none of our weapons connected with his fleshless body. Then Zander gripped his sword with both hands and brought it down in a powerful slice that left a gash in the wight's armor and cut into his bones. Maria and Chahana were both also able to deal damage with their blades, and I followed with a blow of my mace that dropped the wight and left it only a heap of long-dead bones and ancient armor.

When we had assured ourselves that there were no other undead waiting to attack us and no hidden passages or secret troves within the barrow, Reislin looked more closely at the body on the bier. She recalled that long ago even by the reckoning of our people a barbarian king had come to these lands to claim them, but had almost immediately been overpowered by another barbarian. This king had gone away for some years and afterward returned to overthrow his foe, and for the next dozen years had been able to defeat any challenger due to his impressive skill with a sword. According to this tale, he had become the founder of the Aldori dueling school to which Zander belongs. The sword the man on the bier bore, as well as that of the wight, were after the Aldori fashion. Reislin theorized that the two men had been brothers in life. While I hold admiration for the brother keeping watch over his sibling's burial, it concerns me that he became an undead wight. What caused this, and what created the other skeletons who also stood guard? Were they left by the makers of this tomb or by some other force long after their deaths?

Once we were done with the contents of the barrow, Reislin looked at the copper ring Maria had taken from the skeleton in the central chamber. When she announced that it was a ring of sustenance, Maria began to laugh, saying that it had done him no good and looking to Chahana to see if she also found this humorous. The humor of humans is something I still struggle to understand.

Next: part 17, The Witch's Spell

Sunday, July 5, 2020

[Pathfinder] Kingmaker Redux, part 15: Growing Pains

                                            Territory claimed shown in blue

From the journal of Lythande Syldorei

21st Erastus, year 4711

The new nation of Neotellus continues to grow, though not without challenges. We have yet to determine how we should introduce ourselves to those who don't know us, what titles should we use as the leaders of this land. Is our new nation enough to name ourselves as a barony or dukedom? How does our writ from Brevoy apply to this decision?

It was well that we had arranged for the construction of a granary in Lorewynd, but though there was a surplus crop that did not prevent us from experiencing a temporary shortage of food. To further protect Neotellus from such events in future, a second granary has been built in Leveton, and a second mill now stands in Lorewynd. More farmland has been planted with crops as well.

Lorewynd now has a museum in which to tell the history of Neotellus as well as the earlier history of this territory. It is located near the shrine to the gods that we sponsored. We have also arranged for some of the land outside the castle to be designated a burial place.

Jubilost Narthropple and his fellows have continued to explore the lands to the north and east where our granted territory meets the mountains known as the Tors of the Levenies. Thus far he hasn't reported any troublesome monsters nor found any ancient ruins. Some attacks by monsters have been reported recently in the fully explored area, however, and there has been some trouble with wildfires as well.

                                                Jubilost Narthropple

Maria has ordered the training of new militia recruits who will be assigned to the command of Kesten in Leveton once their training is completed. A barracks is being built for them, and Leveton will also gain a dance hall to contribute to the entertainment of the townsfolk.

                                                 Kesten Garess

10th Arodus, year 4711

We have laid claim to more of the territory that runs along the road at the southern border of Brevoy. The barracks and dance hall in Leveton are finished and the new militia for Kesten will soon be occupying the barracks and enjoying the dance hall.

Jubilost reports that the source of the river to the east seems to come down from the mountains. He also warns of signs that orcs dwell in those mountains, that we may need to treat with should we begin sending settlers farther to the east. There may also be a pass through the mountains that could connect Neotellus with Varnhold. Perhaps we could place a watchtower there, if the leaders of Varnhold do not object.

                                         Tors of the Levenies

18th Arodus, year 4711

Tragedy has come to Lorewynd. First it was the disappearance of a young human woman called Saki, who serves patrons at the Knife and Toad. Then a shepherd boy named Bevan was found dead, along with several of his sheep, mutilated by what appeared to be some large beast near a copse of trees outside the town.  At the site of young Bevan's sad demise we discovered tracks similar to those of a wolf but larger. Following them into the copse we lost them, but then discovered nearby the unshod footprints of a human or elf, presumed to be a male by the size. Maria believes both sets of track were made at about the same time.

The person's tracks led back to Lorewynd, but could no longer be found after they entered the town. We decided to warn the townsfolk to remain inside or only go out in pairs or groups in case the killer reappeared.

The following day we learned that Saki had also been found dead, near a cluster of berry bushes. She had gone out to pick berries after finishing her work day at the inn. She too had apparently been half devoured by an animal. but the site had been much disturbed by those who found her and took her body back to town for burial.

We questioned townsfolk who knew both Saki and Bevan and found no indication that either of them had any enemies. Some folk reported they had heard wolves howling, but they couldn't indicate whether it was one lone wolf or a pack. Some of them began to speak of werewolves.

The owner of the inn told us that Saki had a boyfriend named Johel, who works at the new museum. We decided that it would be unwise not to question him. He is a very sturdy and strong fellow but not overly endowed with cleverness. When we spoke to him it was clear he was distraught. I saw no evil in him, nor any sign of dissembling. Chahana told him to go home and rest, to which the owner of the museum, Adrien, agreed.

After we had spoken with Johel we considered if there might be a way to catch the culprit should he or they appear again. My comrades had begun to suspect that the townsfolk's hints about werewolves might not be entirely unreasonable, particularly since it has been the time of the full moon. Reislin suggested that she could cast a spell on the copse of trees where we first found the footprints, to warn us if any man-size creature appeared there. We agreed this might be a worthwhile plan. In addition we would set guards on patrol around the area and have them go from farm to farm. Zander hid himself near a flock of sheep that we hoped might lure our prey.

As we were standing watch ourselves outside the town, we heard the signal whistles of the guard patrols sounding, converging on the Knife and Toad. We road swiftly toward the inn as we heard screams, arriving to see a bloodied man lying upon the ground near one of the entrances and a creature that looked part man, part wolf looming over him. This creature wore the bloodied remnants of torn clothing and carried a large axe.

Chahana drew her bow and fired two arrows in rapid succession. One arrow struck the creature in the upper arm. He snapped at it as a beast might, pulling it from his flesh. Maria let out an intimidating shout, causing the creature to look toward her. There was a crossbow bolt in his back, perhaps from a guard's weapon. Zander hurried up behind our group and warned us that this was indeed a werewolf, and that it could heal quickly from wounds like a troll. Only weapons of silver would overcome this unnatural healing, but none of us possess such weapons.

Suddenly the werewolf darted into the inn. Zander raced closer to the door, though he couldn't catch up to the werewolf. I rode up to the fallen man and leaped from my steed, extending the Dawnflower's healing rays to the man. He gasped, "Werewolf!" to me when he had recovered enough to speak.

                                                   Knife & Toad Inn

Chahana ran into the inn and called out to the patrons who hadn't yet fled, asking if any of them had a silver weapon. The innkeeper offered her a silver ladle. She didn't take it, instead firing on the werewolf again, but her arrow bounced off the creature's tough hide.

Maria ran into the inn as well and darted past the werewolf to get ahead of him, dodging the swing of his axe as she slashed at him with her blade. Zander joined the others in the building and dealt the werewolf as serious blow. I ran in after them but the werewolf twisted to one side in time to let my scimitar's blade slip past him. Before Maria, Zander and I had entered the inn, Reislin had cast a spell upon all three of us that gave us the ability to move much more swiftly than we were normally capable of. She wisely didn't follow us inside.

Chahana hadn't benefited from Reislin's spell, as she was already within the inn when it was cast. She ran into the room where we all faced the werewolf. The creature tried to attack Zander, but neither his axe nor his jaws touched my half-orc friend's flesh. Zander's blade bit into him, though. He was beginning to look quite bloodied, from his own wounds rather than the blood of his victim. He tried to move toward the door but I blocked his way. Sarenrae granted me the sight to perceive the evil in his soul, but that didn't permit me to smite him with her power. Then Maria slashed him and he collapsed on the floor, sorely wounded but still living.

When the werewolf was down, Zander remarked that lycanthropy is a curse, but also a disease. We wondered if the werewolf could have passed it on to the man he had attacked. While Zander, Maria and Reislin took the werewolf to a makeshift jail, Chahana and I accompanied the wounded man to the shrine to see if the shrinekeeper could cast a spell to check for the disease. When we arrived we found that the shrinekeeper was not there. But on the altar I was dismayed to find a small heap of stones with a stone on the top painted with the catseye emblem of the Angry Hag. When I explained to Chahana what this stone represents she too was dismayed. Neither of us have any desire to support worshippers of the lady of hate, whose name I will not write here.

                                          Symbol of the Angry Hag

We left a note for the shrinekeeper to meet us there in the morning so we could bring the injured merchant, Grigori, to see him then. Then we escorted Grigori back to the Knife and Toad.

The innkeeper recognized that the axe the werewolf bore belonged to one of his recent guests, a northerner named Kundal who had been a heavy drinker and had kept to himself during the few days he had stayed there. With the innkeeper's permission we searched Kundal's room, finding it disordered. Amongst his unkempt possessions were some bloodied clothing and a severed human ear bearing a gold earring, which the innkeeper confirmed had belonged to Saki. It seems we have found our murderer. Reislin took samples of the blood to seek further confirmation through her magic.


The next morning when we met again, Chahana and I told the others about the Angry Hag being venerated at the shrine. While she and I are reluctant to allow the worship of such deities here, the others are not so sure it should be forbidden. I must pray to the Dawnflower and seek guidance on how best to respond to this should my friends declare that such worship must be permitted within Neotellus. While I contemplate this, we must also decide how best to deal with the werewolf if his affliction is indeed a curse over which he has no control. He has killed, but if he was unaware that he killed, is his guilt worthy of execution?

Next: part 16, Into the Kamelands