Sunday, July 5, 2020

[Pathfinder] Kingmaker Redux, part 15: Growing Pains

                                            Territory claimed shown in blue

From the journal of Lythande Syldorei

21st Erastus, year 4711

The new nation of Neotellus continues to grow, though not without challenges. We have yet to determine how we should introduce ourselves to those who don't know us, what titles should we use as the leaders of this land. Is our new nation enough to name ourselves as a barony or dukedom? How does our writ from Brevoy apply to this decision?

It was well that we had arranged for the construction of a granary in Lorewynd, but though there was a surplus crop that did not prevent us from experiencing a temporary shortage of food. To further protect Neotellus from such events in future, a second granary has been built in Leveton, and a second mill now stands in Lorewynd. More farmland has been planted with crops as well.

Lorewynd now has a museum in which to tell the history of Neotellus as well as the earlier history of this territory. It is located near the shrine to the gods that we sponsored. We have also arranged for some of the land outside the castle to be designated a burial place.

Jubilost Narthropple and his fellows have continued to explore the lands to the north and east where our granted territory meets the mountains known as the Tors of the Levenies. Thus far he hasn't reported any troublesome monsters nor found any ancient ruins. Some attacks by monsters have been reported recently in the fully explored area, however, and there has been some trouble with wildfires as well.

                                                Jubilost Narthropple

Maria has ordered the training of new militia recruits who will be assigned to the command of Kesten in Leveton once their training is completed. A barracks is being built for them, and Leveton will also gain a dance hall to contribute to the entertainment of the townsfolk.

                                                 Kesten Garess

10th Arodus, year 4711

We have laid claim to more of the territory that runs along the road at the southern border of Brevoy. The barracks and dance hall in Leveton are finished and the new militia for Kesten will soon be occupying the barracks and enjoying the dance hall.

Jubilost reports that the source of the river to the east seems to come down from the mountains. He also warns of signs that orcs dwell in those mountains, that we may need to treat with should we begin sending settlers farther to the east. There may also be a pass through the mountains that could connect Neotellus with Varnhold. Perhaps we could place a watchtower there, if the leaders of Varnhold do not object.

                                         Tors of the Levenies

18th Arodus, year 4711

Tragedy has come to Lorewynd. First it was the disappearance of a young human woman called Saki, who serves patrons at the Knife and Toad. Then a shepherd boy named Bevan was found dead, along with several of his sheep, mutilated by what appeared to be some large beast near a copse of trees outside the town.  At the site of young Bevan's sad demise we discovered tracks similar to those of a wolf but larger. Following them into the copse we lost them, but then discovered nearby the unshod footprints of a human or elf, presumed to be a male by the size. Maria believes both sets of track were made at about the same time.

The person's tracks led back to Lorewynd, but could no longer be found after they entered the town. We decided to warn the townsfolk to remain inside or only go out in pairs or groups in case the killer reappeared.

The following day we learned that Saki had also been found dead, near a cluster of berry bushes. She had gone out to pick berries after finishing her work day at the inn. She too had apparently been half devoured by an animal. but the site had been much disturbed by those who found her and took her body back to town for burial.

We questioned townsfolk who knew both Saki and Bevan and found no indication that either of them had any enemies. Some folk reported they had heard wolves howling, but they couldn't indicate whether it was one lone wolf or a pack. Some of them began to speak of werewolves.

The owner of the inn told us that Saki had a boyfriend named Johel, who works at the new museum. We decided that it would be unwise not to question him. He is a very sturdy and strong fellow but not overly endowed with cleverness. When we spoke to him it was clear he was distraught. I saw no evil in him, nor any sign of dissembling. Chahana told him to go home and rest, to which the owner of the museum, Adrien, agreed.

After we had spoken with Johel we considered if there might be a way to catch the culprit should he or they appear again. My comrades had begun to suspect that the townsfolk's hints about werewolves might not be entirely unreasonable, particularly since it has been the time of the full moon. Reislin suggested that she could cast a spell on the copse of trees where we first found the footprints, to warn us if any man-size creature appeared there. We agreed this might be a worthwhile plan. In addition we would set guards on patrol around the area and have them go from farm to farm. Zander hid himself near a flock of sheep that we hoped might lure our prey.

As we were standing watch ourselves outside the town, we heard the signal whistles of the guard patrols sounding, converging on the Knife and Toad. We road swiftly toward the inn as we heard screams, arriving to see a bloodied man lying upon the ground near one of the entrances and a creature that looked part man, part wolf looming over him. This creature wore the bloodied remnants of torn clothing and carried a large axe.

Chahana drew her bow and fired two arrows in rapid succession. One arrow struck the creature in the upper arm. He snapped at it as a beast might, pulling it from his flesh. Maria let out an intimidating shout, causing the creature to look toward her. There was a crossbow bolt in his back, perhaps from a guard's weapon. Zander hurried up behind our group and warned us that this was indeed a werewolf, and that it could heal quickly from wounds like a troll. Only weapons of silver would overcome this unnatural healing, but none of us possess such weapons.

Suddenly the werewolf darted into the inn. Zander raced closer to the door, though he couldn't catch up to the werewolf. I rode up to the fallen man and leaped from my steed, extending the Dawnflower's healing rays to the man. He gasped, "Werewolf!" to me when he had recovered enough to speak.

                                                   Knife & Toad Inn

Chahana ran into the inn and called out to the patrons who hadn't yet fled, asking if any of them had a silver weapon. The innkeeper offered her a silver ladle. She didn't take it, instead firing on the werewolf again, but her arrow bounced off the creature's tough hide.

Maria ran into the inn as well and darted past the werewolf to get ahead of him, dodging the swing of his axe as she slashed at him with her blade. Zander joined the others in the building and dealt the werewolf as serious blow. I ran in after them but the werewolf twisted to one side in time to let my scimitar's blade slip past him. Before Maria, Zander and I had entered the inn, Reislin had cast a spell upon all three of us that gave us the ability to move much more swiftly than we were normally capable of. She wisely didn't follow us inside.

Chahana hadn't benefited from Reislin's spell, as she was already within the inn when it was cast. She ran into the room where we all faced the werewolf. The creature tried to attack Zander, but neither his axe nor his jaws touched my half-orc friend's flesh. Zander's blade bit into him, though. He was beginning to look quite bloodied, from his own wounds rather than the blood of his victim. He tried to move toward the door but I blocked his way. Sarenrae granted me the sight to perceive the evil in his soul, but that didn't permit me to smite him with her power. Then Maria slashed him and he collapsed on the floor, sorely wounded but still living.

When the werewolf was down, Zander remarked that lycanthropy is a curse, but also a disease. We wondered if the werewolf could have passed it on to the man he had attacked. While Zander, Maria and Reislin took the werewolf to a makeshift jail, Chahana and I accompanied the wounded man to the shrine to see if the shrinekeeper could cast a spell to check for the disease. When we arrived we found that the shrinekeeper was not there. But on the altar I was dismayed to find a small heap of stones with a stone on the top painted with the catseye emblem of the Angry Hag. When I explained to Chahana what this stone represents she too was dismayed. Neither of us have any desire to support worshippers of the lady of hate, whose name I will not write here.

                                          Symbol of the Angry Hag

We left a note for the shrinekeeper to meet us there in the morning so we could bring the injured merchant, Grigori, to see him then. Then we escorted Grigori back to the Knife and Toad.

The innkeeper recognized that the axe the werewolf bore belonged to one of his recent guests, a northerner named Kundal who had been a heavy drinker and had kept to himself during the few days he had stayed there. With the innkeeper's permission we searched Kundal's room, finding it disordered. Amongst his unkempt possessions were some bloodied clothing and a severed human ear bearing a gold earring, which the innkeeper confirmed had belonged to Saki. It seems we have found our murderer. Reislin took samples of the blood to seek further confirmation through her magic.


The next morning when we met again, Chahana and I told the others about the Angry Hag being venerated at the shrine. While she and I are reluctant to allow the worship of such deities here, the others are not so sure it should be forbidden. I must pray to the Dawnflower and seek guidance on how best to respond to this should my friends declare that such worship must be permitted within Neotellus. While I contemplate this, we must also decide how best to deal with the werewolf if his affliction is indeed a curse over which he has no control. He has killed, but if he was unaware that he killed, is his guilt worthy of execution?

Next: part 16, Into the Kamelands

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