Sunday, January 26, 2020

[Pathfinder] Wrath of the Righteous, part 58: Cave of Monsters

Venerable Master;

We remained only a single night in Drezen before setting out to seek the missing priest of Erastil.

As we made our way through the desolate landscape of winding ravines this time, we decided we should remain on the top of the plateau rather than walking along the floors of the ravines as we had done previously. We encountered a variety of strange creatures during our travel, ordinary creatures such as an owlbear and several birds but strangely modified. The owlbear had a demon claw attached to its body, and the birds were variously equipped with an excess of wings or extra legs and heads. When these creatures set upon us the behavior seemed to be instinct rather than any true desire to harm us. Jiro examined the owlbear and concluded that it may have been intentionally altered rather than mutated by the unwholesome atmosphere of the Worldwound.

Demonic owlbear

This led us to seek out those who were responsible. It was not difficult to follow the animals' tracks to a cavern. As we approached we spied a bird with seven wings circling awkwardly above the cave entrance, and while we looked on it dropped gracelessly to the ground, flapped its excess of wings once more, and died.

Mutated bird creature

The cave's large entrance took us into a series of branching tunnels. There were innumerable tracks in the dirt, too many to identify or count. Just as we rounded the first corner together we came upon what appeared to be an imp, but its wings had been removed and it wore four legs attached to its body in an irregular fashion. This creature did not appear to pose any threat, but we decided to turn aside and proceed down another tunnel in the opposite direction. Zosta, however, was not willing to let the imp go. She pursued it, pinned it to the ground and pummeled it to death with her fists.

Mutated imp

When Zosta rejoined the rest of our group, she ranged ahead of us and quickly reported that she had heard a sound. We split into two groups as we came to a fork in the passage, Zero and Runa going down one branch while Jiro, Zosta and I entered the other. Runa came upon a winged cat which was engaged in washing itself with its forked tongue. Though she suspected it might be an intelligent creature like Kirara, she did not strike it and the feline wandered off. Meanwhile Zosta observed two bats, one lacking wings and the other equipped with an extra pair of legs. The winged one of the pair was taking advantage of its ability to fly to assault the wingless bat. These seemed disturbed by our presence and attempted to move away from us.

Just ahead of Runa another creature appeared while all of us emerged into the same passageway. Jiro and Runa immediately identified it as a stirge, but it was much larger than an ordinary stirge, as large as a person. While I was looking ahead toward this awful creature, I suddenly sensed Kirara's distress from behind me. The winged cat had crept up behind us and bitten her. Its tongue bore some kind of poison. I told her to assume her misty form and escape from it.

Giant stirge

Jiro tossed a paper crane at the stirge. I drew a wand from my quiver and sent a missile at the cat but its body resisted the magic. Runa began to fight with the stirge, which was attempting to attach itself to her body. Zero began to recite an inspiring saga and fired an arrow at the winged cat, which caused it to flee.

Winged cat

As the cat departed two babau demons appeared, one near Runa and the other around a corner where I could not see it. The first babau struck Runa a harsh blow with its spear. Zosta tripped the first babau and stamped the life out of it, while Jiro summoned a weapon into the air and sent it to strike the stirge that was still trying to drain Runa's blood.

Babau demon

A third babau suddenly appeared behind Zero and I. I made an attempt to send it back to its native plane but my magic failed to affect it. Beyond the babau a robed figure appeared, bearing the holy emblem of some demon lord that I did not at that moment recognize. A column of flame filled my vision, leaving both Kirara and I badly burned. A second robed figure had appeared nearer to Runa, and then a third made its presence known around a corner at the end of the passage nearest to Runa and Zosta. The second and third figures set more flames upon us, burning all of us but Runa. I watched in despair as Kirara fell to the ground and assumed her solid form, her beautiful fur all burned away and her eyes dimmed as her life fled.

Lamashtu cultist

Zero had somehow appeared beside the first mage. I turned my back, as the babau threatening me had teleported away to attack Runa instead. I moved beside Jiro and a bolt of lightning shot from my fingertip toward the second person at the far end of the passage. In my ire I did not care that the babau which stood between my position and the robed figure would not be harmed by the bolt. I felt a sense of satisfaction when the lightning danced over the robed person's body and made their arms contract in agony. Then I took a vial of healing oil from my pouch and poured it over Kirara's body, sighing in relief as her fur was restored and she began to breathe again.

When Kirara begain to fly again, I turned to see Bohgong, who was riding on Jiro's basket, wildly gesticulating, but I could hear nothing. An imp had approached me, carrying with it silencing magic. I took my staff and smashed at it until its broken body stopped moving and then threw it away from me to remove the magic from the area.


In the meantime Runa and Zosta had been battling two babau and the two robed people at the opposite end of the passage, while Zero and Jiro's summoned spirit attacked the third person. These three robed people proved all to be women after they died, and Jiro remembered that the emblem they wore represented the goddess Lamashtu. 

Symbol of Lamashtu

We stripped them of their cloaks, armor, weapons, and other items before going on to explore the remainder of the caves where they had made their lair.

Soon enough we found other evidence of the hideous experiments they had been engaged in. One chamber was filled with monsters they had created which they had evidently decided to keep as 'trophies', for these poor victims were impaled on the walls, some of them while still living. We released these beasts from their suffering. I fervently hope that we do not encounter any more of these foul devotees of the Mother of Monsters.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

[Pathfinder] Wrath of the Righteous, part 57: Visitor in the Glade

Esteemed Master;

It has been our good fortune that on our journey back to Drezen we have encountered no monstrous creatures nor demons or other enemies. We have been away for only a week.

On our return we have learned that our demonic foes have been testing the city's defenses, but these threats have not been serious. Drake riders have been sighted again, but only one at a time and they have not approached any closer to the Citadel than before we last departed. There has been no news of Aegronius and his companion Darra, but Nurah has been sighted giving aid to a family of refugees. They reported that she appeared very weary. Aron will put out another message to invite her to come to Drezen.

Drake rider

Nurah Dendihwar, halfling bard

We shared news of what we have encountered in this past week, particularly of the undead and the dwiergeth that killed Zero. After discussing the dwiergeth with others we know more about such creatures. Their digestive organs are somehow interdimensional, which means that a person who has been swallowed as several of us were could manage to free themselves from one stomach only to find themselves trapped within yet another stomach.


Runa asked after Joran Vhane and learned that he has been working diligently at the forge, perhaps too diligently, as Irabeth was concerned that he spent too much time there. He has also shown considerable interest in studying the many faiths of our world. Runa has gone to persuade him to rest and look after his health.

Runa has also visited the glade and spoken to the treekin Gami to ask for a bird to replace Wenchurch. Gami summoned several birds, but Runa chose a second eagle which she tells us is called Phon.


I have asked Aravashnial for advice regarding dealing with situations such as the dwiergeth, where I found myself challenged to use my magic against such a creature as it is immune or resistance to many forms of energy and is also innately resistant to magic. Aravashnial has made some recommendations which I will take to heart.

Further. I have been overlooking my discovery that I have the ability to re-shape my wooden sword into any variety of weapon I choose and wield them as if I had trained in their use. The wood becomes as hard as ironwood when I exercise this ability. I should have recalled that when the dweirgeth consumed me. I shall make greater effort to practice and use this ability when faced with foes that are difficult to affect with my magic.

I have also been awarded the ring we found among our reward for releasing Sir Alrys' spirit. It is an enchanted ring in the form of a ram's head which can send out a wave of force capable of pushing creatures away. I must make use of it to make it more difficult for enemies to move closer to me or my friends.

Ring of the Ram

Jiro and Zosta had gone to the glade to visit Gami. While there they observed that the people who have begun to tend to the glade are quite absorbed in that task, spending all of their time at it and appearing to be almost spiritually reverent toward the treekin. While there they observed a person they did not recognize, robed and with hood drawn up, walking from plant to plant and touching each one. This person appeared to be avoiding any contact with the glade tenders.

Jiro questioned the tenders, who told him that they did not know this individual and this person avoided speaking with them. Zosta in her forthright way decided to approach the unknown person, but on seeing her approach that person began to withdraw. Zosta increased the speed of her steps and the other person responded by moving faster to keep ahead of her. This progressed rapidly to the stranger sprinting away at a very swift pace, so much so that Zosta could not overtake him. Though the fleeing person did not make any effort to avoid the plants of the glade, his steps did not do them any harm. Such was his speed that his hood fell back and Zosta was able to glimpse his face. She did not recognize him, but was able to give Jiro a description of him.

When Zosta abandoned her pursuit and returned to Jiro, he asked Gami about the stranger. The treekin of course perceives things differently than we do, but Gami told Jiro that  this man did not seem inclined to converse with the treekin, and he had said that he was a druid. Gami had also observed that the word he spoke most often to the tenders was 'no', which he had also said to Gami when the treekin asked if he needed help or wanted to be friends. Jiro made a drawing from Zosta's description and this has been shown to Anevia, who is interested in any stranger in their midst out of concern that supporters of the demons may infiltrate the community at the Citadel. Jiro had also questioned the plants the man touched and they told him they found the contact pleasant.


After their conversation with Gami, Gami asked after Bohgong, who was not with Jiro at that time. The spirit monkey has been very subdued since the event with the dweirgeth. Jiro invited Gami to leave the glade if the treekin was willing, to which it agreed. Jiro took it to see the wall around the Citadel and the dry riverbed below. He reports that the sight of the treekin departing from the glade seemed to greatly disturb the glade tenders.

Sosiel the priest has presented Runa and Jiro with most admirable gifts. To Runa he gave a golden shield marked with the sigil of Iomedae. To Jiro he provided several scrolls inscribed with very useful spells. Jiro has also sought out additional spells which can be used to consecrate and hallow those places defiled by the presence of evil.

We will set out again tomorrow to continue our missions near the Worldwound. We have decided we should seek the missing priest of Erastil first. I am concerned that the longer we do not seek him, the less likely it is that we will find him. Runa agrees with my concern. I think that Jiro and Zosta have greater desire to seek out the Ivory Labyrinth cultists, and Zero has expressed no preference. But Jiro and Zosta have agreed to look for the priest first of all.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

[Pathfinder] Wrath of the Righteous, part 56: In the Belly of the Beast

Characters are now 10th level

Respected Master;

I continue the saga of what we have experienced near the Worldwound. Jiro has used his magic to remove some of the negative effects Kirara experienced, as such power will not be effective for myself of Zero for several days.


We determined to continue searching for the Ivory Labyrinth cultists, and walked down the same series of interconnecting ravines where we were attacked by the rot grubs. Jiro noticed evidence of passage by humanoid creatures. The demon cultists do not appear to be making much effort to hide their presence here. Perhaps they believe that no one who is not sympathetic to their cause will visit this place.

The wind rose up suddenly. Its rapid increase to windstorm force led Jiro to recognize that it must not be a natural wind. Zosta had begun to climb up the side of the ravine to try to find the source of this unnatural wind when a disturbing creature appeared above us. Standing some ten feet in height, its feet had suction cups like an octopus that allowed it to cling to the vertical wall of the ravine. Its body anatomy is difficult to describe, without eyes and covered in quivering bristles. We had hardly a moment to recognize the creature's arrival when it opened one of its mouths and bit Runa, engulfing her and then swallowing her whole.

I delved deep into my memory to recall what this creature is, but it came to me that it was not a demon. It is some chaotic denizen of another plane, known by the name dwiergeth. I could remember that it is resistant to magic and some forms of harm as well as some types of energy, but I could not bring to mind the specifics.

Jiro cast a spell at the dwiergeth, but it had no effect. Zosta then leaped on it, attempting to grapple with it. It bit her, but she was too agile and it could not swallow her as it had Runa. She attempted to pummel it with her fists but its amorphous body made it difficult for her to make contact. Zero began to recite an inspiring tale of courage to hearten us, then fired an arrow at the monster.

In response the dwiergeth climbed down to the bottom of the ravine and swallowed Jiro. Bohgong was with him and was also consumed. Worried that it would come for me next and I would be able to do nothing to aid my companions, I called on the Great Tree's blessing to grant myself the power of flight. Zosta attempted to grapple the creature again without success. Zero chose that moment to approach and was the next to be swallowed by the ravenous monstrosity. Now it was only Zosta and I who could try to rescue the others.

I sent a bolt of lightning at the creature, but it was difficult to determine if the electricity actually caused it any harm. Zosta continued to struggle with it. Suddenly Bohgong burst out through the creature's side in his enlarged form and began stabbing it in a frenzy with a wakizashi. I had never before seen him use a weapon. He seemed unnaturally enraged. An instant later Runa also emerged from within the thing. Zosta managed to get a good grip on the dwiergeth, but it it turned on Runa and swallowed her again before she could get away from it.

Giant-size Bohgong

Then the thing leaped up onto the ravine wall so that it was within reach of where I hovered and it caught me and swallowed me.

I found myself inside a space filled with sharp protrusions that tried to stab and crush me. I could feel my life force rapidly ebbing and could only experience a moment of relief that Kirara had not been with me when I was engulfed. She would not have survived such injuries. None of the others who had been swallowed were with me. The creature seemed to have many stomachs.

It was my good fortune that I did not have to suffer there for long else I would not be writing this letter. Suddenly the creature expired and everyone with in it was expelled onto the top of the ravine. Bohgong was still furiously stabbing the dwiergeth, which was clearly already dead. I feared he might attack me if I drew his attention so I remained where I was. He paid no attention to Runa, who got to her feet and went to check a motionless Zero.

Zero was dead. The injuries he had suffered in the creature's belly were greater than he could withstand. Runa had also lost her eagle, Winchurch, which was far too fragile a creature to survive being devoured. She sat down next to Zero's body and began to weep.

Zero Geass

Bohgong abruptly transformed back into his normal appearance and fainted.

Jiro used his magic to heal all of our wounds. Then he took out a scroll and performed the ritual to restore Zero to life if his spirit was willing. Sadly he could restore only one creature and could not bring Winchurch back.

Though Zero was brought back to us, he was not entirely whole, The experience of dying had left him weakened. While he rested, we searched the area to see if the creature had expelled anything other than us from its body when it died. We found a number of items that must have belonged to other people it devoured. These were all enchanted objects which could withstand being in the dwiergeth's many stomachs.

We found a light mace that will do frost damage, a ring in the shape of a ram's head that can direct a blast of force like a charging ram, two scrolls, a wand that will protect the target from certain energy types, two cloaks - one of which neither Jiro nor I were able to recognize its enchantment - a set of pipes, and a scabbard that will make the blade it holds keener for a short time.

Ring of the Ram

Scabbard of Keen Edges

Wand of Protection From Energy

Pipes of Pain

The last item was an orb of black stone shot through with veins of orange fire. As soon as I touched it I realized it was an item of evil and it left me weak. Fortunately as soon as I removed my hand from it the weakness passed. Jiro hopes that we can use the forge in Citadel Drezen to convert the evil within it to good.

Sinister orb

Zero would like to return to Drezen to recuperate from his experience. He has suggested that perhaps we can ask Aron to accompany us for a short time. I think that Jiro is somewhat reluctant to return, but he is not willing to refuse Zero. We will make our way back to the city after we have rested for a short while in the shelter Jiro has created.

While we took our rest, Jiro explained to us that because he and Bohgong had not both been in the same place inside the dwiergeth, when Bohgong had transformed himself he could not use a portion of Jiro's power to grant himself the level of strength and intelligence he usually has when he transforms. He was able to enlarge himself and become powerful, but he lacked the intelligence and wisdom of his normal form and became a berserker, like those with which Zosta is familiar among her people. The relationship between the two of them is a complex and curious one.

I will write further when we return to Drezen.

Magic items acquired this session:
+1 frost light mace
Ring of the Ram
Scroll of tongues
Scroll of order's wrath
Wand of protection from energy, 5th level
Cloak of Slashing
Pipes of Pain
Scabbard of Keen Edges
Orb of Foul Abaddon