Saturday, June 19, 2021

[RuneQuest] Brylaneth's Journey continues: part 12, The Battle for Apple Lane


It was Earth season by the time we got to Jonstown. We stayed there for a week with at the home of Jodi White Hart's family. While we were there we talked about what we should do next. Wurk and I wanted to seek out the rebels and help them. But we could also try to find out what happened to the rest of our clan. Jodi White Hart got word from a messenger that Savan the priest had died from a wound taken in battle. 

Savan the Storm Voice of the Haraborn

We offered to help bring in the harvest while we were there, during Ernalda's holy day festival. But we worried about being caught. Our tattoos marked us as Haraborn. Wurk couldn't use his magic sword without saying the name of our clan. We didn't know if we could change or remove our tattoos, or if we wanted to. Wurk didn't know if the word to call his sword's magic could be changed.

We stayed for the holy day feast. After that we headed northwest, staying off the roads. Temerin the Younger came with us. A few days out of Jonstown we found a wounded man by the side of the road and helped him. He said he was a farmer and he had been robbed and thrown off the road with a broken leg. He came from a small village and he needed to warn them about the Tusk Riders who had ambushed him. After we used our magic to heal his leg, we went with him to his village, which was called Apple Lane. It was a small place but had a big temple of Uleria there. There were a lot of apple orchards around the village. 

The people there told us they expected a Tusk Rider attack that day. We found out there was a Duck Man named Gooseberry living there. I had never seen a duck person before. We went to the inn there, the Tin Inn, and met with most of the village. They told us there were only ten or so Tusk Riders, but the village didn't have any warriors. There were only about a dozen people in Apple Lane. 

The Tin Inn

The priestess of Uleria, Aileena, said she would defend the temple. She had an initiate who would help her. There was a woman named Brightflower who was an initiate of Ernalda, and a man named Postal who was an initiate of Orlanth Adventurous. Kareena Goldtalker came from another temple, the Temple of All Deities, who could use a battleaxe. A man named Hendroste raised horses there and wanted to protect his horses. Gooseberry told us his people knew a path through the Upland Marsh if we wanted to run away, but after he talked a little more it turned out he didn't know the path himself. 



Brightflower and Gooseberry


There was a man there named Squincy who could cast a spell to see what the Tusk Riders were doing from a distance. He saw that there were eight riders and their giant boars. They had taken a farm girl and were torturing her. One of them had a necklace with three human hands on it that were probably bound spirits of people they had killed. They were armed with lances, swords, and spears. When Squincy spied on them he saw them counting the treasure they had taken in raids. 


Tusk Riders

We thought about whether to flee that place, but the people didn't want to abandon their homes and we felt for them because we'd had to leave our homes. We offered to make them part of our community so Shah'vashak would be their wyter too and they could give of their magic power to the wyter, and I could use that to power the disruption spell matrix I had received from Orlaront Wyrmfriend. 

After we did that, we made a plan for how we would fight the Tusk Riders when they came back. Collan and I would get on the roof of the inn, me with my sling and the orb and Collan with his bow. Jaryan would be on his horse, and Wurk would be on foot with the sword. Temerin the Younger stayed inside the inn because he wasn't trained much with weapons or magic.

When the Tusk Riders arrived, two of the rode to the north toward the temple of Uleria. The other riders came toward the gate of the inn yard. Wurk cast the iron hand spell on himself and then sprang at them with the last Stag's Leap spell hand speared the rider's boar with the stag antlers that grew on his head when he cast Stag's Crown. The boar fell over and its rider jumped away and fled.

Sylphs and elementals summoned by the villagers began to harass the riders. One of the sylphs managed to grab the leader's necklace, which had the three severed hands on it. I kept using Sha'vashak's power to disrupt the riders. 

Because I was concentrating on that I could only see Collan's arrows shoot past me from the corner of my eye and couldn't see at all what Jaryan and Wurk were doing. The leader tried to use an ivory wand to cast something at Wurk but it didn't seem to do anything. Then there was the sound of a horn blowing and it was all over. The riders who lived and still had mounts rode away in a hurry. Their leader started to ride off too, but came back and died after Wurk taunted him and hit him with the Haraborn sword. 

[RuneQuest] Brylaneth's Journey, part 11: The Company of the Rainbow Dragon


After we brought the cattle back, the chief's wife gave us 200 silver pieces as a reward. That was nice but we had no home to go to, and there weren't many places where we could spend the silver. So we stayed in that village a little while. 

Wurk suggested that because we can no longer claim to be Haraborn we should find another name for ourselves. He wanted our new name to be the Shahvasites after Sha'vashak. We agreed with that because we could think of nothing better.

A guest came to stay in the chieftain's household. His name was Joh Mith. He was a trader. He was going to the northeast to trade with the people in Prax. He said he came to Sartar once every year. Wurk made a deal with him that we would go along with him as his guards. We went north into Milani territory with him and his muleskinner.

Joh Mith


While we were traveling I felt like we were being watched. I saw a spirit watching us but it left. 

We came to a crossroads and Joh Mith said he knew a village where we could stay for the night. We went to one man's stead and his family treated us well. They washed our clothes and let us use their sweat lodge. They shared news with us. They also warned us that because it was Dark season there were trolls about.

After we left that stead we went on to Runegate Fort, which had been destroyed before by the foul Crimson Bat. There was a permanent market outside the rebuilt fort. Joh Mith said too much of the stuff there was new. 

Because of the threat of trolls, we stood watches that night. I had the last watch before Yelm-rise. The muleskinner was awake too. I saw at a small camp not far away from ours there were some people who gave a piglet to a troll and the troll ran off. I thought I heard children running but I couldn't see them. When Yelm rose I asked the muleskinner if the people there gave bribes to the trolls. He said yes, it was a way of saying to the trolls to eat these things like the piglet instead of eating the people. Those children running I heard were trolls running from camp to camp to get their bribes.


We heard from the town watch that some trolls had raided that night and taken some sheep. The muleskinner said he had given the trolls some apples to leave our camp alone, but I never saw that.

We kept going northeast to Two Ridge and camped there. We saw a patrol of Malani. We knew they weren't friendly with the Colymar, but not whether they were friends of the Lunars. They stopped us and wanted to know why we were there. They wanted a silver piece per foot of our group, but Joh Mith negotiated a price of one silver per person and two silver for each of his mules. 

While we were going along with Joh Mith, Wurk spent a lot of time learning more tradetalk from him.

We left the Milani lands and came to the Cinsina lands. Then we came to Jonstown. We had to go down steps from a plateau to get to the south gate. Joh Mith took us to his house there. 

Wurk thought we should look for a shaman who would be willing to teach me. But while he was walking around Wurk suddenly saw Jodi White Hart from Black Stag Vale. Jodi White Hart was glad to see him. After everyone left the Vale, Jodi White Hart and his family went to Jonstown to stay with his wife's second husband, Kayden the Scribe. Jodi White Hart told Wurk that the Redsmith was there in Jonstown too. They went back to the house Jodi White Hart was living in to talk without being overheard by strangers. Jodi White Hart's wife Margo was pregnant. 

Jodi White Hart

After that all of us went to stay in Kayden the Scribe's house. Joh Mith paid us almost twenty silvers each for being his guards. Wurk told the story of what happened to us to Temerin the Younger, who was one of Kayden's apprentices. Temerin wrote a poem about it. Jodi White Hart didn't know where the rest of the Ring were or if they had survived.

Temerin the apprentice scribe

Monday, June 14, 2021

[Pathfinder] Kingmaker Redux, part 35: A New Year


From the journal of Lythande Syldorei

When we had rid the island of the giant flytrap and searched the island thoroughly, we left that area behind us and returned to Lorewynd. After we arrived, we were quickly ensnared in the necessities of managing our territory had no time to go out exploring.

Month of Abadius, year 4713

A new year has arrived, the third since we first took up our charter to reclaim the Stolen Lands. We've set Jubilost Narthropple the task of exploring a great circle from south of the Little Sullen River to the Narlmarches to the north of Leveton. At one time we saw the river as our southern border, but as conditions in Brevoy have changed and we've re-examined our charter, we've concluded that we don't need to stop our expansion there, though we do need to ensure that we don't come into conflict with Mivon. We n0w have an embassy in Mivon, represented by Chahana's former chatelaine Fabreze. Chahana has a new assistant, Odanost.


We've incorporated some of the area along the foothills of the Tors into our territory, as well as that part of the Narlmarches surrounding Tiressia's tree. An orchard has been planted near Tatzlford and we've given leave for another farm to be started. There was some trouble with bandits over the winter but our patrols dealt with it.

Our greatest challenge has been maintaining the good relationship with our citizens. Some folk were disgruntled by the recent spate of illness plaguing Neotellus and felt that we hadn't done enough or acted quickly enough to prevent more people from falling ill. There were also several disputes over land when some folk claimed they had a right to start farms in areas we have yet to incorporate into Neotellus. But some carefully chosen words were able to ally any fears or anger.

Throughout the winter we kept adding improvements to our lands, constructing a granary near Tatzlford and adding more houses there, and establishing a formal graveyard in Leveton.  Reislin purchased a menagerie of beasts for the entertainment of the citizens. We have drawn up plans to create a second district in Lorewyn, where we intend to build an arena, a temple, and a school or military academy. We've also started construction on a waterfront area on the east side of the river opposite the mills and foundry that already exist on the western bank.

Jubilost sent us a message that he found an unusual and fortuitous discovey on his journey to the south. After hearing some disturbing sounds, his troop sought out the source and found a hillside penetrated by holes that were emitting the odd sounds when the wind blew into them. When the gnomes looked through the holes, they discovered that these led into a source of gemstones. We must manage this discovery with as much care as we've used in managing the gold mine we discovered. Though the mine is south of the river, we have made it part of Neotellus.

Early Gozreh, 4713

Spring thaws came with a great deal of rain this year, washing out some of the roads we've had built. This inconvenience aroused the arguments over land once again and we had to sooth troubled feelings. After the rains decreased we granted permission to establish more farms, and also ordered the building of a monument to the gods of goodness and mercy in Tatzlford, as the town lacks a shrine or temple. 

Disturbingly, we have received a message from Restov that they've lost contact with Varnhold. They sent a small patrol to check on the town and lost contact with the patrol as well. We'll have to investigate that ourselves. We've decided to take Zander's wagon and horses on our journey. It should take us four days to reach Varnhold through the pass. Goldwing will accompany us, but I am still waiting for a response from Iadara about a saddle for him.

As we were passing below the abandoned watchtower over the pass, we encountered trouble. Reislin spied a person up above us, then realized that based on the distance this person must be a giant. Just as she shared this with the rest of us, a large boulder came hurtling down from above, directly at her. We all pressed ourselves up against the cliff face to get out of range, but the giant threw down another rock and crushed Reislin's magically summoned horse. Reislin took flight and avoided being injured herself.

The giant had shouted down at us when he attacked. Zander translated his speech for the rest of us, telling us that the giant was threatening to kill us just as he had killed someone else. We didn't know who he could be speaking of, but worried it might be the patrol from Brevoy, though we had expected them to skirt around the northern part of the Tors and approach Varnhold from that direction. We decided that we were not willing to stand a giant attacking travelers in the pass, so we made our way around to the path that led up to the tower, leaving the wagon and horses at the bottom as we ascended to the abandoned tower.

As we approached the tower, Goldwing circled around it and by means of head motions and wing flaps communicated to me that the giant was behind the tower. I shared this with the others, and Reislin gifted us with speed. Maria ran to the rear of the tower immediately, while Chahana climbed up the ladder to the tower entrance, thinking she might be able to shoot at the giant from within. Zander had taken flight and disappeared around the cliff side of the tower. 

Maria, Zander, and I converged on the giant, who was indeed awaiting us there. He took out a huge club and swung it at Maria but it only struck her armor a glancing blow. I rushed forward and thrust my spear at him. Zander appeared behind him and stabbed with his blades, while Maria's sword slashed the giant repeatedly. Reislin had determined that it was a cliff giant that could withstand some harm from acid and fire but otherwise had no special defenses or offensive abilities. While the three of us pitted our blades against the giant, Goldwing swooped down from above and attempted to claw his head. The giant bore many scars on his legs, showing that this wasn't the first time he had been attacked by beings of our size.

Zander sank his blade into the giant's hamstring, hampering its ability to move. Maria dealt the giant several severe wounds, so much that he went down on his knees. With his torso now easier to reach, Maria thrust her blade into his chest and Zander stabbed him in the heart at almost the same moment. I jumped back as the giant toppled over. 

When the giant was dead, we went into the tower to examine his victims. They didn't appear to be from Brevoy. There were several bags containing items such as silverware with them. At first we thought they might be the thieves who had troubled Neotellus during the previous year, but it seemed unlikely they would have gone into the pass and climbed up to the tower. could they have come from Varnhold?

The giant also had a much larger bag, which was full of various things including the corpse of a pig. Along with the pig remains we found a small potion, a set of armor similar to what Chahana wears but designed for jousting, a ring imbued with a protective charm, a garment that according to Reislin is called a spectral shroud, and a vest that will allow the wearer to access any tool they need with a thought. But the most curious item in the giant's sack appeared to be a large loaf of bread, though Reislin revealed that it is actually a club that can be made to assume the form of anything the wielder desires! 

[Pathfinder] Return of the Runelords, part 10: A Good Night's Rest


The deck of the Tyalee's Whim fell silent after both Viraline and Corla dropped. Viraline was genuinely dead, sadly, but Corla had only been rendered unconscious. Captain Sursha was still under the magical compulsion that had caused her to order the water barrels emptied into the ocean. This didn't cause her to turn on us. She simply followed the suggestion she had been given and sent a few of the remaining crew to the island to fetch enough water to last until the ship reached Magnimar.

Before Corla revived she was stripped of her weapons and armor and the pack she carried by Hunter, assisted by some of the crew. When Corla regained her wits, Hunter questioned her. His first question was how she and Viraline had intended to escape the ship after acquiring the sword. Corla said that Viraline had some means to 'teleport' them away. This led to a search of Viraline's body, but that uncovered no teleportation device in her possession. Corla claimed she didn't know how Viraline would achieve this, only that this was what Viraline had told her.

Fox and I then went to Viraline's cabin to search, discovering to our surprise that the cabin was empty and the large trunk she had arrived with was also empty. We returned to the upper deck in confusion, to find that the pack Corla carried was actually a capacious magical container into which they had placed all of their possessions so they could 'teleport' with everything. Would that we could have such a container, as we might be able to hide the sword within it, but the spell on Captain Sursha had worn off by that time and she told us all of the womens' belongings should be handed over to the authorities in Magnimar when we arrived. 

Backpack of Holding

Hunter had continued questioning Corla while I was below deck. Corla didn't actually know much about the arrangements Viraline had made, but she did explain that a strange cult of people in bright clothing had contacted Viraline. As I returned I heard her say that they worshipped a bird. When I asked if the bird was a peacock, she claimed not to know what that was. According to her tale, Viraline had been cursed by the jealous wife of a paramour and had been unable to find anyone who could remove the curse of ill fortune that plagued her. The cultists had claimed they would remove the curse if Viraline acquired the sword for them. Corla seemed to be speaking truthfully and appeared truly grieved by Viraline's death, though some of my sympathy for her was lost when we found she was carrying several vials of poison. 

Captain Sursha was upset that Viraline had betrayed her and shamed that her passengers had come to harm. We discovered that Viraline had used a tea to place her under the 'suggestion.' 

The following day we sailed into the port of Magnimar. I have never visited there before, though of course I have heard you speak of it, Master Taeral. It is quite an impressive sight, particularly the remains of the ancient bridge that looms over a portion of the city. Hunter says Magnimar is divided into various districts, each of which is specialized in a particular type of business or habitation, which are much like separate cities in many ways. 

After the ship docked, Captain Sursha told us that should we need passage elsewhere in the future we could rely on her. She intended to remain in Magnimar for some time.

We decided together that we should visit the Council first, as our mentors all serve on it and they will know best what to do about a Runelord artifact. The Council lies in the Alabaster District and is also the headquarters of the local Pathfinder Society. With Magnimar being such a large city, it took a long walk to reach the building.

The man who met us at the door wasn't welcoming at all, at first taking us for mere adventurers who desired to join the Pathfinder Society. Even when we told him who we are he didn't lose his dismissive manner. Fox and Lonn resorted to bribery to persuade him to get us an audience with the person in charge, Lady Heidmarch of the Pathfinder Society. 

Lady Heidmarch knew and cared who we are even if her factotum did not. After we told her our story and showed her the Sword of Pride, she immediately recognized it and was shocked that it hadn't been destroyed. At first we considered handing the sword over to her for storage in the Council's vaults, which are so secure that anything contained within them can neither be removed nor detected. 

But as we continued our discussion we all began to feel that keeping the sword will help us to find out who is trying to bring back the Runelords. Lady Heidmarch didn't disagree with this. She also offered to repair the false blade and have it enchanted with an aura that will make it appear to be as powerful as the real sword, so that we may use it as a decoy. 

We also allowed her to hold the real sword, protected by the gauntlets, which she found fascinating and unique. When she held the sword she knew immediately that it is awakening, which she explained means that its master is still living and is waking from whatever slumber or stasis they've been in for these many millenia. We don't know if that master is still Runelord Xanderghul. Lady Heidmarch suggested that it could perhaps be his apprentice.

Our mentors weren't present in Magnimar when we arrived, but Lady Heidmarch did state that she expects some of them to arrive soon, though she couldn't say who would come as they're protecting themselves by keeping such knowledge secret.  

Lady Heidmarch told us that we could stay at an inn in Alabaster called the Gryphine, which is frequented by the members of the Pathfinder Society. Hunter is looking forward to seeing his family. Lonn asked Zinovia if she had met Hunter's family, and she and Hunter cheerfully explained that she had, as the two of them had first met in Magnimar. I haven't yet learned how Zinovia came to Magnimar to begin with, or why she was being mentored by a mage.

The Gryphine Inn

Fox complained about having given up some of his small supply of gold to bribe the clerk at the Pathfinder Society when Lonn had also given the man coins, mentioning it even before we parted from Lady Heidmarch. I think that fellow will be in for a tongue-lashing as Lady Heidmarch appeared quite annoyed. We had to explain to Fox that once a bribe is given one should never mention it again. He only knew that his former master had often bribed people, but he hadn't really understood how bribery works. He is terribly naive.

We didn't go to the inn immediately, as we had promised to accompany Audrahni to perform the ritual to lay her friend's spirit to rest. She took us to a building, where we climbed up on the roof. Audrahni laid out her ritual implements and began to perform a dance in honor of Ashava, the Empyreal Lord she served before she lost her faith.  

Dance for Ashava

We didn't have to participate, so we stood by and kept our eyes out for trouble. Lonn and Zinovia began attempting to follow Audrahni's dance to aid her. But trouble found us soon enough - just as the heavy feeling on the roof began to lift, a darkness fell over us and a floating creature appeared. I recognized it as type of undead known as a choking shade. I could recall that it was an incorporeal undead capable of inflicting negative energy harm and warned my companions. After I said what it was, Lonn remembered that it had the ability to suppress magic around it, and that it was vulnerable to strong winds. It's a pity that I don't know any wind spells at present, but I wouldn't have had any prepared in any case. I was still concerned with protecting myself against living enemies.

Hunter attempted to cast a spell and was thwarted by the shade's magic suppression aura. I also failed to cast my missiles at it. Fox managed to cast 'mage armor' on Hunter, realizing that incorporeal creatures can't get through magical armor as easily as corporeal armor. Zinovia tried to hit it with her enchanted sword but missed her first strike. Hunter manifested his blade and warned Fox to step back, but Fox remained where he was, intending to cast his spell on Zinovia next. I attempted to scorch the shade with a fiery ray, but although I was able to overcome its aura to cast my spell I missed my aim and the flames shot over the edge of the roof without touching the shade. 

Fox and I backed toward a chimney, Fox pulling Grumble toward safety with him. I stepped closer to the edge of the roof and sent a bolt of lightning at the shade. It hit but the shade avoided some of the energy. I realized I was exposed and withdrew to take cover behind the chimney. Fox kept doggedly trying to cast 'mage armor' on Zinovia until he finally succeeded, but at that moment she struck the shade two blows and it disintegrated into a cloud of ash.

Audrahni had managed to maintain her concentration on her dance ritual this entire time, and shortly after the shade was destroyed she ceased dancing and began to pray. We all joined her in prayer. I prayed to Pharasma as I know more of the tenets of her faith than of Ashava. 

Beams of light fell on the rooftop, accompanied by lively music. The lights fell at our feet and we sensed a positive energy surrounding us, which I thought might be similar to the effect of a priest's 'hallow' spell though of course I don't know divine magic so well as arcane. I felt as if Ashava had touched me with her blessing. The spirit of Audrahni's friend could finally rest. I was glad we'd been able to keep the shade away from her so she could complete the ritual.

We were all tired after our long day and made our way to the Gryphine after that. Audrahni confided in us on the way that Ashava had restored her clerical powers to her, which we were very heartened to hear. 


When we reached our rooms at the inn, we all discovered that in each room was a parcel tied with a black ribbon. Fox and I were both immediately suspicious and took a moment to check the packages for magical auras, but Lonn and Hunter opened theirs and Lonn was engulfed in a cloud of green smoke that poisoned him rather badly - not a fatal poison, but one that left him foolish and clumsy. Zinovia shouted out a warning and that kept Fox and I from opening our packages after we found no magic. Lonn and Hunter both took antitoxins, but we had to appeal to Audrahni to use her newly restored priestly magic to help Lonn as he'd inhaled so much of the gas. The gas dissipated quickly afterward.

The other items in the parcels were candies and tobacco, which were not magical and as far as we could determine not poisoned either. Each of the packages had also included a note describing us as the "New Heroes of Varisia" and telling us to enjoy the items enclosed. Fox and I had no desire to enjoy these gifts and would have burned them, but the others entreated us not to, saying that we could use them for bribes or sell them. We handed our shares over to them. 

Grumble had also been poisoned by the green gas as he stayed in the same room with Hunter and Zinovia, so Lonn volunteered to care for him overnight once his own weakness had been largely removed by Audrahni. Fox went downstairs to complain to the inn manager. We decided to set watches that night, Fox taking the first watch, Zinovia the second, Hunter the third, and I the last. Fox assumed his fox form and settled down in the corridor outside our rooms.


I was resting in my room when noise from the hallway roused me. There was a flash of light visible from the gap under the door. I got up and looked cautiously outside to see a bugbear facing Fox, who was now in his human form. There were scorch marks and bits of ash on the floor. Fox shouted for help. The bugbear vanished for a moment, then reappeared as he attacked Fox. Then Zinovia's door flew open and she rushed out, her face flushed with fury. She swung her sword once and the bugbear fell.


When the bugbear's body was searched, we found a short note from someone named Hira Doss. It read: "once we return from our duties in the Forsaken Mezzanine.” The brevity of the note confused us until we realized it was probably a response to some other message, similar to a conversation held through a 'sending' spell.

Fox wanted to go and complain to the inn staff again, but a few moments of discussion made us all recognize that a dead body in the scorched hall could look very bad for us. Zinovia grabbed the bugbear's corpse and took it downstairs after we packed up all our belongings with the intent of seeking another inn. The manager was horrified and very apologetic. In the course of this Fox commented that the bugbear was a ninja, as he had a sword of a kind found in Tian-Xia. Zinovia thought ninja were only a tale until I assured her they were genuine warrior-assassins. 

Lonn explained what had happened to the guardsmen who served the inn. We decided not to remain there in case whoever sent the bugbear ninja had other assassins in their employ. The manager gave us a writ good for healing at the temple of Sarenrae as an apology for our experience. I was very annoyed at being disturbed because I wouldn't have any opportunity to write any new spells in my spellbook, and I'd been prevented from doing that during most of our sea voyage as well. Zinovia was concerned about moving Grumble, who was still recuperating from the poison, but she decided that since the goblin was no longer in danger of dying, moving for our own safety was more important than his rest. We took everything we had and the goblin and went off to find another place to spend the night. I don't even recall the name of the second inn. I did manage to get enough rest to be able to prepare spells the next morning.

The next morning we discussed what we should do about assassins pursuing us. Who could have sent the ninja? Were there other ninjas seeking us? Hunter wondered if it had anything to do with the Brotherhood of Seven that had slain most of Audrahni's fellow clerics. Audrahni unfortunately knows little about them. We decided instead to try to find out about the Forsaken Mezzanine mentioned in the note the ninja had carried, as well as about Hollow Mountain where the Runelords were supposed to rest during Earthfall. Hunter's sister is a librarian, but he suggested that the Council's library is the most comprehensive, so we returned to the Pathfinder Society Lodge to seek it out. 

When we arrived we found the council chambers shut. Welben Orry, who had been so rude to us the previous day, greeted us with more courtesy this time. We were told that members of the city government were meeting with the Council regarding something serious that had just happened, and that we wouldn't be allowed to go in. Hunter tried to intimidate Orry into opening the doors for us but he wouldn't. Finally we told him to send for us as soon as we could speak with Lady Heidmarch and went off to research in the library.

We split into two groups, myself with Lonn and Fox to look for information about the Forsaken Mezzanine, and the rest seeking to know more about the Brotherhood of Seven. It took some time, but my group eventually learned that the Forsaken Mezzanine was a tomb on the southeastern side of Hollow Mountain, which had no known entrance. A research team had gone to Hollow Mountain a month earlier to seek a way in, but hadn't reported back during that time. We also thought we now know where Hollow Mountain is - to the north of Magnimar near a bay or cove known as Old Man's Launch, which lies almost as far from Magnimar as Roderic's Cove, though it is on the opposite side of the Varisian Gulf. 

The other team had abandoned researching the Brotherhood and instead looked for information about the Peacocks, since they seemed to be more than just an organization of people in Roderic's Cove. They learned that the Peacocks have existed in Magnimar for a century as a secretive group, at least some of them known to be prideful and quick to anger, but it seems not all of them are such. The location of their meeting place or headquarters isn't known. 

Just when we had garnered this information, a messenger came from Lady Heidmarch asking us to go to the council chamber. 

Characters are now 6th level.