As we walked forward into the council chamber, we saw a variety of the important personages of Magnimar seated around the large horseshoe-shaped table. But of course my attention went first to you, Master Taeral. I hadn't expected to see you there.
Nor was I prepared to see the other members of the Sihedron Heroes seated beside you, those about whom you've told me though I have never met them before. I recognized them all based on your descriptions.
Hunter's mentor Aiden Valdemar with his muscular and scarred chest exposed in a manner that seems quite unusual for a mage.
Zinovia's dark-haired mentor Tor Miraborg.
Mordren the priestess, Lonn's mentor, who appears to have the blood of demons or devils in her ancestry.
And Tiressa Avendale, the venerable elven druid who rescued Fox from a life of slavery.
Unfortunately matters regarding the Runelords require urgent attention, and the most I could enjoy of your presence was the sly wink you gave me before Aiden began to speak.
Our mentors and masters have been searching for the relics of the Runelords throughout Varisia, but each time they have reached a location that should have contained such relics, they have been emptied of artifacts. Furthermore, the Heroes are aware that someone has been watching them. They feel that to continue pursuit of the Runelords it would be better if we who are less known continue the search. The Heroes will spread out to various locations and give their protection to places like Roderic's Cove that are associated with Thassilonian locations or objects.
We were also informed that the portal to Hollow Mountain we had found beneath Roderic's Cove had been closed, which must have been from the Hollow Mountain side as it is a one-way portal initiated from somewhere within Hollow Mountain.
Our next goal is to reach Hollow Mountain and find out what lies within. An expedition had been sent by the Pathfinders but they had lost contact some time ago and they wish for us to investigate what became of the expedition members. We may also be able to find a guide there, a Pathfinder Society member named Kelhuud who went there with another expedition some time ago and never returned, but is believed to still live on or near the mountain.
We were given several bird feather tokens we can use to communicate with our mentors, though we've been advised to use them sparingly. The Heroes are able to communicate with one another in some way, and a message sent by token to one will swiftly be spread to all.
In addition to the tokens we each received 750 gold pieces for expenses, as we must arrange out own travel to avoid having the Heroes too closely associated with us.
After we parted from the Heroes, we took care of selling items that we've acquired but have no need of or cannot use. This garnered us each a share that made it possible for me to purchase an enchanted headband to increase my intellect, as well as a protective cloak with steel wire woven into its fabric.
My companions purchased other items for themselves in preparation for our voyage to the north. We've decided to ask Captain Sursha if she'll take us to Old Man's Landing.
At first we considered telling her we were returning to Roderic's Cove as it lies across the Varisian Gulf from our actual destination, but we were concerned that she might not have sufficient stores for the journey if we told her a different destination than out actual goal. In the end we decided to be honest with her and spoke with her privately in her quarters. She didn't object to being scanned for magical effects after having be deceived by Viralane. Repairs on Tyalee's Whim had been completed and she had hired new crew to replace those consumed by the ooze. We'll have to hope that none of them are working for our enemies.

Before arranging our transportation plans with Captain Sursha, we returned to the Pathfinder Society library to research Hollow Mountain. Our investigation provided little information. We learned only that Hollow Mountain is attributed to the Runelord of Wrath, and there may be some type of forge within, though we don't know if it's one of the forges for creation of creatures like sinspawn.
I've neglected to mention that in our discussion with the Sihedron Heroes, we spoke of the Peacocks. It seems they have existed for a very long time, since the age of the Thassilonian Empire perhaps. At one time they requested aid from the Runelords to build a temple, and all but Lust agreed to help them. Perhaps this explains why the current chapters of the Peacocks appear to have no representation of the Sin of Lust. We do not know if Sorshen, Runelord of Lust still exists.
Before we departed from Magnimar, Hunter desired to visit his family and we were all invited to join him. He has five siblings, rather surprising to me as he is half of elven descent and such large families aren't common among us. Hunter seems particularly proud of his eldest sister, Hope, who is a member of an organization named the Solemn Order of Sages, Librarians, and Teachers. Hunter treated our entire group, his family as well as the five of us, to a meal at a dining hall where we took up almost their entire banqueting room.
Looking back on our meeting with our mentors, I recall that when we first entered the council chamber Fox had surprised us all by transforming into his fox shape and running up to where Tiressa was seated, then prostrating himself before her. Zinovia took exception to this subservient behavior afterward, demanding to know why he did it and whether he had exchanged enslavement to one master for enslavement to another. It took several days, but eventually while we were sailing to Old Man's Landing he was able to explain to her that it's his choice to make himself obedient to Tiressa and he knows that he is not her possession.
Our journey has been mostly uneventful, which has allowed me to scribe two new spells into my spellbook from the book I purchased in Magnimar. Audrahni has come with us, for which I am very glad.
I spoke too soon that our journey was uneventful. Last night all of us had a dream, the same dream, sent by a 'dream' spell. I have never heard of a 'dream' spell that can reach more than one person at a time. But somehow someone achieved this. All of us saw in our dreams a strange woman with unusually pink skin and hair, and vivid green eyes. She introduced herself as Sorshen, the Runelord of Lust.
She claimed that she is not our enemy, that as we feared Alaznist has risen and left Hollow Mountain. She said that she, Sorshen, has been watching us and thinks we may be the heroes who can defeat Alaznist, but we need help. She told us to seek out the spirit of one called Thybidos in the Forlorn Sepulchers. She referred to this Thybidos as Alaznist's slain predecessor, and indicated that we need to find something she called an Abyssal Runestone from the Gauntlet of Fury to compel him to give us his aid. When we are done with him we are to find her in Korvosa.
After we shared with one another that we recalled the same dream with identical details, we wondered how she has been observing us and whether she could truly by the Runelord of Lust. Then Zinovia caught a glimpse of something hovering overhead near Lonn. I was unable to perceive it, but Fox and Lonn also saw it when Zinovia pointed it out, and Lonn realized it must be a scrying sensor. He asked for whoever was in control of it to stop watching us a sign that they are not our enemy, as we have to way to be rid of it. The sensor remained, but that doesn't prove the person scrying on us is our foe, only that they might not have been observing us when Lonn made his request.
Now that we know someone is watching us, or at least Lonn, we made sure he didn't see when we sent a bird token to report this to our mentors.
A few hours ago we reached Old Man's Landing. We could see a small boat on the beach, and Fox realized he could see a leg over the gunwales. It appeared to be the limb of a corpse. We climbed into one of the boats from Tyalee's Whim and Hunter and Zinovia began to row us ashore. But almost as soon as we set out something appeared in the water and set upon the boat, tipping us all out into the water. We all began to swim for shore as fast as we could, for our attacker proved to be a young dragon turtle!

It's my good fortune that you insisted I practice swimming, Master Taeral. I managed to get away from the boat and reach the beach beside Audrahni. Hunter remained in the water to distract the dragon turtle and suffered sorely for it. Lonn remembered that such beasts have a breath weapon like true dragons, a cloud of scalding steam that can cover a large area. Lonn has learned an ability similar to the message spell I know, but he is able to use it whenever he wills to communicate with us, else we would never have been able to hear his warning about the dragon turtle's breath.

Once I was out of the water I summoned a lightning bolt to sizzle the dragon turtle's flesh. But though it was young it was hardy and my lightning didn't do it much hurt. Except for Audrahni who was with me and Hunter who was still in the water by the boat, the others had all reached the beach and were grouped together some distance away. The dragon turtle chose that moment to breathe at them. Its incredibly hot breath nearly killed Audrahni, who had gone to treat their wounds just before the turtle exhaled. I had run farther inland after casting my spell and was still distant from my friends, but I had to watch Lonn, Fox, and Zinovia engulfed in the boiling mist. The corpses in the other boat were cooked to the bone and the rowboat itself was burned by the heat.

Lonn hurried to heal Audrahni, after which she was able to use the powers Ashava had restored to her to heal the others. Zinovia flew into a fury and slashed the dragon turtle with all her might, and it died. It had already been wounded many times by Hunter and by spells directed at it from Fox as well as my lightning.
Zinovia was determined to pull it out of the water, which required a good deal of effort from her and Hunter. After it was dragged onshore she cut it open and an amazing trove of very precious and magical items spilled out of its gut! I wonder how many other visitors' boats had been capsized there and the occupants were swallowed before they could escape. It's a pity I spend my coin on the headband I bought in Magnimar, as there was one with a better enchantment inside the dragon turtle!