Thursday, September 6, 2018

[Dungeons & Dragons 3.5] Shadows of Greatness, parts 48 - 53

48. A Foul Fate Averted


Because I had missed session #47, I stepped into the events that began during that session in media res.

When we had dispatched all of the monstrous creatures, we turned our attention to the huge horror that had remained where it sat near the dwarven wagons. Rock charged up to it, still filled with cold rage, and began to pound it with his hammer.

I rode Aratan after him, but on approaching the thing I thought it wiser not to risk my mount even with the handsome new barding I had purchased in Ankhapur, particularly after seeing how one of its spawn nearly slew Pekuah. I leaped down and ran to my friend's side, but before I could reach him the hideous creature had extruded a portion of itself and caught hold of him, lifting him above my head. By the time I was within reach it engulfed my friend!

I began to slash and hack at the thing in an effort to cut my way through to Rock. Nekaya and even Pakkin came up beside me and joined in this effort. The goblin is more courageous than I have given him credit for in the past.

The creature struck at me several times with its extrusions but I was able to avoid the brunt of its blows. Liadan sent Lathander's healing energies to all of us through the brooches she had given us, and seared the monster with her god's holy light. At last it fell still, and we were able to cut Rock free.

We had only a few moments to enjoy our victory, however, for we saw in the distance that more monsters were coming toward us, following a trail of slime that led off into the distance. As we caught our breath and enjoyed the application of more divine healing from Liadan and Nekaya, we were approaced by a dwarf wearing the emblem of the dwarven god Clangeddin. Rock has been teaching me of the gods of his people.

This dwarf spoke to us in the common tongue, telling us that we should not be so pleased with our victory for this monster we had just vanquished was the third of its kind he and his brethren had seen. He was near to collapsing from exhaustion as he spoke. Nekaya and Liadan then called on the power of their gods to give him relief of his weariness and to remove some disease that one of the creatures had inflicted upon him. After this he seemed less gruff in his manner.

All the while we were speaking with the dwarf - who never told us his name - we continued to hear a strange chanting that had been going on during our struggle with the monsters. The dwarf believed that to be coming from the source of whatever was bringing these horrors into existence.

He and his brethren refused to leave the wagons, even after Liadan had healed most of their wounds, explaining that the goods they carried were too valuable to abandon. I thought this a strange way of looking at the matter and asked Rock what could be so valuable that the dwarves would risk their lives. The priest replied that the items in the wagons were the fruits of their labor. When I remarked that only one's friends and loved ones are worth dying for he did not respond. He did confide to us that among the items they carried was a quantity of starmetal, which he believed was attracting the monsters in some manner.

We mounted our steeds and parted company with the dwarves, leaving them in better condition to face the approaching creatures. It was paramount to prevent any further creatures from being brought into the world. Erim had determined that most probably some entity was summoning the monsters from another plane of existence.

We followed the trail of slime for a distance, all the while seeing monsters pass us by, seeming interested only in reaching the dwarven caravan. At last we came upon a small hillock and saw the source of the creatures. On the hill a ring of figures surrounded a small altar, and above them a dark rent had appeared in the sky, as if some horror from another realm had torn a hole into our world.

Through the rent we could see something vast and dark moving slowly. Innumerable black tentacles extended down from this rift, some of them plunging into the hill, others groping about as if seeking something. All around the hill a distortion filled the air like waves of heat from a fire. Erim told us this must be some magical defense for the figures around the altar, to prevent us from attacking with spells or bows at a distance.

Seeing that approaching the altar would be difficult in the presence of the tentacles, we quickly formed a plan of attack. At that point, Pakkin to my surprise offered up four potions in his possession that would cause a person to grow larger. He was willing to share them with us. I accepted one gratefully, as did Liadan, Nekaya, and Rock.

Erim suggested that he should cast several spells upon my person so that I could attack the altar directly. First he cast an enchantment that turned my skin to stony hardness. I swiftly drank a potion I had long carried that would give me the strength of a bull. Then Erim transformed me into an ethereal figure of mist.

I found that I could not move quickly in this form, though I could float along without touching the ground and the tentacles did not perceive me. As I proceeded to the altar, my friends struggled to make their way through the forest of black tentacles. All of them were caught and held at times, though most were able to break free and continue toward the altar. Poor Erim, however, was unable to free himself and could not draw nearer.

When I had reached the altar I pronounced the command that would return me to solidity. I found that on the altar lay a corpse that appeared to have had its heart torn out. With a murmured prayer to Corellon I positioned myself to straddle this poor unfortunate so that I could attack the mages from a higher vantage.

Attacking the wizards and priests was not as simple as I had hoped. I realized once I stood above them that these figures were no longer human. Their features seemed to have melted like silver in a crucible, and several of them looked as though two persons had been fused together. I quickly discovered that the magical field we had passed through to approach the hill was not their only defense. Any wound I inflicted upon them appeared to be spread to all, such that no one figure suffered much injury.

When I struck at the wizards the tentacles began to grasp at me. I was able to pull myself free of their grasp, but this slowed my ability to attack my foes. One tentacle caught hold of my shortsword and wrenched it from my hand. I swiftly drew Tasarol and continued my assault, focusing my blows on only one of the spellcasters who had extended a tentacle from himself and was using it to threaten Rock.

At the same time a great swarm of black insects had emerged from the rift overhead and began clambering over Rock. He resisted their stings and directed his attacks at the tentacled mage. Liadan first struck some of the others with her mace, but a tentacle disarmed her. She then began to call Lathander's power to sear them with light.

Pakkin had insisted upon coming with us, but was quickly caught up by the tentacles and could not get free. Nekaya freed herself and then pulled him free as well, carrying him upon her back. A wave of magical energy burst out from the altar or one of the mages; I felt it try to affect me and then fade, but the goblin wailed in terror.

Under our determined onslaught, several of the priests suddenly collapsed. They were gathered up by tentacles and lifted into the rent in the sky. Abruptly I felt as though time had lurched, like a horse stumbling. I realized that I and the remaining priests had all been repositioned somehow. I was no longer standing on the altar. But I was still larger than the priests and continued to slash at the target I had been attacking.

The tentacle that had stolen my sword from me began to slash at me with it, though it did not do me much harm. It was distracting to have such a thing attacking me, I must confess. But I had entirely forgotten the presence of the ioun stone that had been orbiting my head all during the battle.

The disturbing chanting coming from the rift grew more insistent. Erim shouted out that the ritual must be reaching a climax. If we did not succeed soon then whatever lay on the other side of the rift would be able to enter our world. Liadan hurled another bolt of divine light, and the remaining priests fell to the ground to be scooped up by tentacles and borne away.

Then another man suddenly appeared through the rift. He shouted out to us that though we had succeeded this day, his Master would return. Then a black tentacle shot down from the slowly diminishing rift, and impaled him through the skull! Had it not been so horrific it might have been comical to see his expression go from gloating to shocked.

Then the tentacle retracted and the rift vanished. The man stood with a vacant look in his eyes. A terrible howl arose, and my mind went blank*.


Quips & Quotes

GM: "The chanting you hear is in Abyssal."
Nekaya: "Aw, I don't speak that. What about Goblin?"
GM: "No, that would be Abysmal."

Telemnar: "It can't attack now - it ate a Rock!"

Erim: "Can jello actually be prone?"
GM: "Jello puddle pops!"

GM: "You hear Pakkin's bowels move."
Nekaya: "Ew! I put him down."
GM: "No, no, he's comfortable."
Erim: "Oh, now you want to put him down when it gets inconvenient!"

Nekaya: "Does he have Liadan's mace?" (We thought it had been pulled through the rift)
GM: "He does not."
Nekaya: "Throw him back!"

Liadan: "I broke Rock's Will!" (Liadan's player was running Rock due to the other player's absence. We have a running joke that rolling a 1 means something breaks)

49. A Confusion of Riches

My recollection of the next few moments is unclear. At first I stood witless, and for some unknown reason Rock, who had been nearest me, began to run swiftly away from the vicinity. He then reduced in size to his normal height. A few breaths later he rushed back toward me and began to attack me! I shouted at him urgently, but no one could comprehend my speech and I cannot recall what message I sought to convey.

When Rock struck me I felt compelled to return the attack. But my friend is capable of devastating blows and I quickly fell to the ground insensible. When I opened my eyes once more Liadan towered over me, still under the effect of the potion Pakkin had offered. I found myself attacking her, though I did not wish her any harm. She attempted to relieve me of my weapons and instead I turned this tactic back upon her.

In the meanwhile Nekaya had begun to attempt to pin Rock's arms so that he could attack no one else. Like myself, his behavior changed from moment to moment under effects of the curse.

I came to my senses once more and Liadan asked me to hand over my blades, as Erim had warned that I might become confused again at any time. I complied with her request. But thanks to Corellon the madness did not return. Rock approached me once his own madness had ceased and apologized for striking me, offering me one of his curative potions. I declined, for it was not my friend's desire to harm me, and Liadan had already given me sufficient quantity of Lathander's mercies to ease my wounds. Rock is too ready to take the blame for all sorrows on himself.

Rock took his grandsire's hammer and smashed the evil altar on the hillock into flinders. Once this was done we found that the priest whose head had been pierced by the black tentacle still lived, though his mind had fled. Nekaya and Liadan then began to disagree over what should be done with him. Nekaya insisted he should be slain at once, for his evil acts could not be forgiven. Liadan was unwilling to slay a helpless man and felt he should be offered a new beginning.

At last Liadan agreed that the man should be slain, for we had no means by which to care for him in his current state. She suggested using Lathander's power to cause him to be reborn in a new form, which she felt would fulfill the spirit of Lathander's teaching, but Nekaya feared he might continue to be evil even as something so low as a lizard. And in any case he would likely not survive long as a small creature, thus defeating the purpose of returning him to life. I did not contribute much to this discussion, feeling myself unworthy to speak. I did not wish to slay a helpless man any more than Liadan did, but I confess I had little forgiveness for his actions.

Liadan waited with the horses as Nekaya executed the man and searched his corpse for anything of import. Rock had been searching the other bodies and found several books of spells, but these were determined to be of a blasphemous nature. He also removed small quantities of starmetal from the corpses. All of the mad wizards had grafted bits of this stuff to their bodies. We decided to burn both bodies and books. The horrid books actually attempted to escape the flames, and had to be prodded back into the fire at sword point!

Having cleansed the hillock of evil to the best of our abilities, we returned to the dwarven caravan. On the way we encountered a few remaining of the monstrous things that had come through the rift, and we slew them.

On arriving among the dwarves we found them once more weary and wounded. Liadan and Nekaya offered the healing mercies of their gods, and we arranged to stand watch over the dwarves as they rested. Their gruff leader, Rogar Deepspike, stood guard with us.

On the following morning the dwarves arose refreshed and were much less taciturn than they had been on our first meeting, though we could speak but little with them as few of them knew the common tongue and among us only Rock and Erim know the dwarven language.

Rogar Deepspike brought us gifts in gratitude for our aid. His caravan bore many finely crafted items of armor and weaponry, and some of these he gave to us. I received a pair of dark steel bracers that I am told will grant me greater protection than my chain shirt can alone. Though I am somewhat loath to remove the enchanted bracers I had shared with Nicos, I must admit I seldom use my bow when I can draw steel and meet my foes toe to toe.

My friends received similarly fine gifts. Rock was given a ring that can protect him from acids. Nekaya received a handsome breastplate of mithral, and Erim had a shirt of mithral chain of an unusual dark color. To Liadan the dwarf gave a steel shield that can produce lightnings. In return, Rock gave to Rogar a silver mug he has long been working. Rogar seemed duly appreciative of Rock's craftsmanship. Rogar also purchased some of the starmetal Rock had taken from the evil mages, but Rock wished to retain some of it for his own use.

To our surprise, the dwarves used some potion to turn the bodies of their fallen to stone for transport back to their homes. Once this was done we parted ways with them, for their path did not lie toward Brimstone Keep. I am glad to have met more of my friend's doughty race, though these southern dwarves are unlike Rock's people in many ways.

After two days of travel we neared the point at which Brimstone Keep was believed to lie. It is situated in lands known as the Border Kingdoms, a place of constant strife where new warlords seem to declare themselves as often as the spring flowers bloom. We were waylaid along the track by men claiming an exhorbitant tax of 20 gold pieces per leg - a princely sum with as many mounts and pack beasts as we have in our train. Liadan and Rock managed to persuade them to agree to a more equitable amount.

They knew nothing of the location of Brimstone Keep. We also inquired as to the Grey Wizard, as Havin Wayfinder is known in this land, but they knew very little of his affairs either, though we had heard in Ankhapur that some unknown person had taken possession of his tower. We were given tokens of green cloth to show that we had paid our road tax, and told that we had entered the "Iron Kingdom".

Later a fog began to form about us, carrying with it a sulfurous smell from the Lake of Steam. We perceived lights in the fog, resembling the lights from windows, though we could scarcely make out the structures in which those windows hung. We came upon a signpost bearing the name "Banin", which we presumed must be a town. Another sign presented itself bearing the image of a cup, a musical note, and the number 7, which was interpreted to be the Seven Song Cup, and inn or tavern of some sort. Not wishing to spend the night amid the fog, we sought out this establishment.

As we entered the patrons fell silent and stared at us. I observed six well-armed and armored men sitting in one corner. The tavernkeeper attempted to persuade us to leave, telling us that we had come to the wrong place. When asked if Brimstone Keep lay nearby he grew quite agitated. One of the armored men rose and began to speak to us in a langorous, sneering manner I found offensive. Each time he made a remark he turned to one of his companions for confirmation, as though he could not think for himself.

This sneering fellow ordered us to put our weapons behind the bar. As one we all refused, sensing danger. Nekaya mournfully remarked, "Can we keep at least one of them alive for questioning?" to Rock, and we set ourselves in opposition to the armored men as they rose and assumed a formation.

It was obvious that they were experienced soldiers and well-trained, but once Erim had reduced their agility with a spell, overcoming them was no challenge to us. I think that only Nekaya took any injury in the fight, and that was only because one of them had attacked her while she attempted to minister to one of his fallen companions. Though they watched their leader fall first to a single blow from Rock's hammer, the men foolishly refused to surrender.

When all had been sent to whatever afterlife they deserved, it was discovered that the green paint on their shields had covered an emblem of the Zhentarim. Wondering why the Zhents sought territory so far from their lands, we sought to question the barkeep. But he refused to answer any questions out of fear. He would not help us, nor would he leave, believing that he could talk his way out of any trouble our actions might bring to him.

Despite his recalcitrance, between his few remarks and comments made by the soldiers before their deaths we learned that Brimstone Keep has been overtaken by a warlord of the name Tellesk. It also seems that Kal Brimstone, the man to whom we are to deliver Gadron's package, still resides within the keep, though whether as prisoner or in cooperation with this warlord we do not know. Though we would gladly pass on and leave this place behind, we have made a promise to deliver Gadron's parcel, and we must now brave the dangers of the keep.

May Corellon bless us and protect us from evil. 

Quips & Quotes for this session:

Rock: "We threw a Rock at it."

Erim: "Pakkin embiggened us."
Liadan: "Everyone needs more extrasize."

GM: "You do nothing but babble incoherently."
Rock: "Which makes you a GM!"

GM: "Pakkin is confused."
Erim: "But that's his normal state, so he doesn't have to roll."

GM: "It's possible he (the wizard who got a head-piercing) was excommunicated from his church."
Telemnar: "He was excommunicated from his brain!"

Nekaya: "I kill him while Liadan looks something up."

Liadan: "He's got a scroll of atonement. It's a 'get out of guilt free' card."

Liadan: "Sorry, Rock is in a rage right now, if you'd like to leave a message."

51. Assault on Brimstone Keep

I missed session 50, or lost my notes. 
I was so weary that I misunderstood the plan my friends had made to assault the keep. I rested while they discussed this stratagem with the Dragonfire Guild. Later Rock brewed a restorative tea for me and I recovered my strength. Once I was myself again I learned that it was not Pakkin who would enter the keep first but Erim himself. He intended to disguise himself with spells and slip into the southeast tower through the small doorway Jayda Foxfire had indicated to us. Whilst I had rested my friends had acquired a ladder by which to climb up to this door.

While most of our group entered through this doorway, Rock and Pakkin would use the tattered magic carpet to fly up to the roof of the same tower, eliminate any sentries, and then to assault the gatehouse. Their purpose was to open and then disable the portcullis so that we would not become trapped within the keep. This attack would also serve to divert attention from our entry into the tower.

As dusk fell Liadan called upon Lathander to grant Rock and myself several protections in the event that we should encounter Tellusk's pet mages. Erim also provided me with a protection from flames. Nekaya then expressed concern as to the disposition of Gadron's parcel. We did not wish to leave it behind, but Nekaya was unwilling to carry it into the keep in the event that Tellusk and his cronies were awaiting it. She determined to see what it was so that we could decide more knowledgeably. Rock protested, considering it impolite to open a package intended for another, but when he saw that she would not be swayed he withdrew his objection.

The parcel was revealed to be a long wooden box containing a handsome longsword set with rubies. Runes were engraved upon the blade spelling out the name Brimstone. As it was clear this item was of personal value to Kal Brimstone, it was handed into Jayda Foxfire's keeping for delivery to her friend. Liadan made her swear that she would give it to him.

We crept up to the tower under cover of heavy fog, as Blaze had predicted. Erim made himself both invisible and intangible to enter the tower via an arrow slit. Liadan had cast a spell of silence upon a coin and placed it in the magic stasis box we had acquired in Arrabar, opening the box once Erim had vanished. Nekaya remained beyond the area of the spell's effect so that she could hear if Rock's entry caused any alarm. After a few moments she alerted us that she had heard some noise from the roof of the tower.

Mirra, the halfling woman, then opened the door. Liadan had shut the box so we could speak, and a strident alarm rang out, quickly silenced when Liadan reopened the box and clamped the coin between her teeth. Nekaya clambered up the ladder into the tower. I leaped after her, followed by Liadan. Within the tower we knew that there were barracks, and we found two men-at-arms present in full armor. I dispatched one of them while Nekaya took on the other. We then rushed up the nearest flight of stairs, with Erim following us now solid and visible.

Liadan had taken the lead on the stairs and Nekaya is swifter than I, thus I found myself following the ladies. As Erim and I passed a connecting corridor, we caught sight of another guardsman. I lunged for him and struck him down. I then hurried on to the gatehouse chamber. There I saw Rock flanked by two more guardsmen, his movements sluggish and his beard matted with blood.

Nekaya had badly wounded one of the armsmen, who attempted to escape by dropping down an access ladder. She rushed down the stair in pursuit of him. I stepped forward to meet the second man and swiftly sent him to whatever afterlife awaits worshippers of Bane. Liadan in the meanwhile had drawn a scroll from her pouch and chanted a healing prayer over Rock. Praise Corellon that she had the foresight to purchase such a treasure in Ankhapur.

Pakkin had been valiantly struggling with one of the mages at the opposite end of the chamber, and had slain the wizard, though he had taken considerable hurt himself. Liadan offered him Lathander's grace, and he then took Rock's magical rod and used it to block the portcullis mechanism so the gate could not be closed.

Nekay returned moments later and we proceeded toward the chapel where we expected to find the priestess at her prayers. As we approached I heard the sound of armored bodies moving about and warned my companions. The chapel entry stood at an angle to the corrider from the gatehouse, and Jayda Foxfire had explained to us that one side of the inner wall was open there so that the lord of the keep could stand before the chapel door and address his subjects in the courtyard below. We would have to take care, for the space between the door and the opening was less than my height, and there was no railing to prevent a fall. I gave praise to Corellon once more that the fog would make it difficult for anyone in the courtyard to attack us with bows.

We found three men awaiting us, for since the alarm had been raised by Rock's entry from the tower roof we had heard men pounding metal bars to alert the keep. The guardsmen fired upon us with crossbows, but Rock rushed one of them and I surged past to meet the second. In a few heartbeats all three had fallen, despite their skill with heavy armor and shields. Rock had used the adamantine axe the dwarves had presented to him to smash one man's shield to splinters. The third guard had pounded on the chapel door and begged to be admitted before my blades pierced his armor.

Through the heavy wooden doors we could hear the sound of a woman's voice chanting, though Erim told us that it was not a magical chant. Rock lifted his indestructible axe and began to hew the doors.

Quips & Quotes:

Erim: "If you make a high enough Track roll you can tell if there's going to be a fight here. The DC's pretty high, though."

Nekaya: "I hope you're going a little faster than a walk."
Rock: "I might jog."

Rock: "I'm Pakkin heat!"

Erim: "Rock, you just died storming the castle! What are you going to do now?"
Rock: "I'm going to Disneyland!"

Liadan: "Who gave a goblin experience?"

GM: "Pakkin doesn't do anything well with his Intelligence."
Telemnar: "Then don't do things with his Int."

GM: "He double-checks his stat card... and falls down."

Liadan, describing an NPC who was fighting both Rock and Telemnar: "He's between a Rock and an elf place."

Player's note: Rock suffered some pretty horrendously bad dice rolls this session. He failed to resist a hold person spell, and then rolled a 1 on his Fortitude save when an NPC did a coup-de-gras. Since the GM didn't want a PC to die as the result of a bad roll, he ruled that Rock survived but was exhausted.

52. Victory is Ours
My friend's axe made swift work of the iron-bound door. Through the gaps he cut we could see that the priestess was in the company of a number of armsmen, and that she was donning her armor even as they prayed. Forewarned of our presence, the occupants of the chapel had formed a barricade of overturned benches and tables, though they had not attempted to block the door.

No sooner had Rock cut the door to splinters than Nekaya raced into the chapel and began to work her way past the barricade in pursuit of the priestess. Rock burst in a heartbeat later and bypassed the wall of benches altogether with a prodigious leap, landing at the very feet of the priestess of Bane!

I determined that my friend could look after himself - I was not aware then that he had very nearly died in the gatehouse - and made to go to Nekaya's aid. Before I could do more than make a single strike at one of the soldiers, the priestess chanted a spell and called out to us to surrender in a most compelling tone. Curse Bane and all his worshippers, I found that I could not resist her command and laid my swords on the floor. Were it not that I keep nothing from my dear wife, I would be ashamed to confess that of my companions only Pakkin was also thus affected. It is a shame to me that I have no more strength of will than a mere goblin.

As I stood staring my friends made quick work of slaying the priestess and all her minions. Nekaya bounded up onto the altar and rained blows of her hakra upon the priestess, while Rock used his axe to slice her heavy mace nearly in two and Liadan hurled bolts of Lathander's holy radiance. Even Erim was able to resist the priestess's command and ply his blade against her servants.

Liadan approached me and I was able to overcome the compulsion long enough to join the battle, until I fell under the influence of yet another spell and was dazed for a few breaths. It was not my finest moment. Still, all that matters is that we slew the priestess and all of her compatriots with little injury to ourselves.

Having cleared the chapel, we made our way to the great hall, which lay on the same level of the keep to the north of the chapel. Though we proceeded with all the caution and stealth of which we are capable, we could not prevent the remaining defenders from being aware of our presence. We heard the sound of armored bodies moving about in the hall as we approached. The hall had no doors in its entries and Rock boldly strode into the chamber.

As in the chapel, the defenders had made barricades of tables and taken cover at the far end of the chamber. Rock called out a challenge to Tellusk, and was met with a bead of fire that the remaining wizard hurled in our direction. It landed in the corridor behind me, bursting into a mass of flame that engulfed all of us but Erim, who had chosen to remain out of sight around the corner. I was not so fortunate as my friends and suffered many burns. I had to forego entering the chamber at once while I put out the embers that burnt on my clothes.

Rock rushed the wizard, while Nekaya took on Tellusk. Erim and I fought the armsmen to give her room to maneuver. We had been told by Jayda Foxfire of a 'secret' stair at the rear of the hall, leading both up to the bedchambers and down to the storehouses. The wizard retreated into this narrow stair and Rock pursued him.

Tellusk was no great challenge to our combined might. The members of the Dragonfire Guild arrived before we had disposed of him, and Kal Brimstone might have enjoyed exacting his revenge on his captor but was too weak from captivity to do so. Once most of the defenders were gone and the last had been made prisoner, Liadan went to aid Rock. Nekaya then spoke with the prisoner and with Kal Brimstone regarding the fate of the keep.

I think perhaps Nekaya sought to further her case against Gadron by learning what deeds the Dragonfire Guild had committed at his behest, but Kal Brimstone told her of nothing sinister. He had commissioned the sword, rather than being awarded it for some dubious activity. To my surprise he did not wish to keep it and offered it to us in gratitude for our efforts to free his castle. It is a fine blade and the enchantments upon it are of great use, but I prefer to wield the blade my wife gave to me, and I am not yet proficient in the use of a longsword in each hand. Still, I do not think it quite proper that Nekaya would sell such a gift for gold as she proposes.

Liadan had discovered that Rock had fallen victim to an enchantment cast by the fleeing wizard. He was unharmed, but was trapped on the stair within a cell of magical energy until the spell expended itself.  The wizard had made good his escape.

Kal Brimstone intends to use the spoils of our conquest to make reparations to the local folk who were mistreated by the Zhentarim, as well as to make up for his own shortcomings as their ruler. It seems that he had become overly enamored of the power of command, and had not been the most benevolent of leaders in the days previous to his imprisonment. He offered us the ownership of the keep, but we have no desire to remain here. The keep may in fact be cursed in some manner that causes it to move its location whenever its possession is transferred peacefully. This seems to be the reason for which the Zhentarim sought to possess it. I should not like to find myself suddenly transported to some distant location without my willing it.

We will remain her for another day or two to rest before proceeding on toward Calimshan. As always, in moments of quieter introspection I think of my beloved Erendis and wish that she could be with me. May Corellon protect her soul.

53. The Grey Tower
We remained at Brimstone Keep for another week to recover from our recent exertions and to aid the local folk in rebuilding what had been destroyed by the Zhentarim invaders. In the aftermath of our battle to reclaim the keep, I had a long conversation with Rock regarding his role in our company. Once again my friend holds himself to far too high a standard. His only concern with his near death was that had he died he should have failed in his plan to take the gatehouse, thereby ruining our strategy for conquering the usurpers. He actually considered retiring from our travels, perhaps to return to Camber. I know this is not the first time he has entertained such thoughts. I can only remind him of how much I value his companionship. He must convince himself that his worth is greater than he credits.

In return for our efforts we have been given an assortment of objects acquired from the Zhentarim, or perhaps stolen by them from travelers. I am now in possession of a cloak that will protect me from lightning and other such energies. We agreed to take with us the armor we had removed from the priestess of Bane and the warlord, hoping to sell them elsewhere or perhaps to have them modified to suit one of us - the first modification being to remove the offensive emblems of Bane that decorate them.

At the end of the week Jayda Foxfire and her companion Blaze agreed to guide us to the Grey Tower, Havin Wayfinder's abode. We said brief farewells to the people of the town, which has once more been dubbed Kalton, and followed the pair to Havin's strange residence. It is not truly a tower, instead being a squat structure of grey stone. From the exterior we saw no windows and only a single heavy door, which proved to be ajar. Liadan called out that we came as friends before opening the door wider to admit our entry. There was no response. Jayda and Blaze did not accompany us within, for which they would no doubt be grateful had they known what awaited us.

Within the structure we found ourselves in a large circular chamber, entirely empty of any furnishings but for a stone table standing on a plinth in the center of the chamber. The chamber was filled otherwise only with darkness and dust. There was no sign that Rock could discern of any recent activity. A staircase to one side of the center plinth led both up and down, and Nekaya observed that a light was visible from the descending portion. She shouted down the stairs to introduce our presence to anyone below. Rock remarked that he heard a noise like a wind from whatever lay at the bottom of the stair.

I cautiously loosened my blades in their scabbards as we descended. Rock took the lead in the event of snares or other dangers upon the stair. As we proceeded we felt the air grow notably warmer. The light at the bottom of the stair was quite bright. As we emerged into another circular chamber, we readily saw the reason for this illumination: a white-hot orb occupied the center of the room, with a smaller orb rapidly circling it.

As we squinted at this miniature solar orb a familiar voice began to speak. I recognized it as the voice of Havin Wayfinder. I cannot recall precisely his words, but he spoke of being within arm's reach of our destiny. This seemed to provoke some response in Nekaya, for she began to recite something and strode forward. Sadly she spoke in her native Mulan tongue and none of us could understand her words. As we watched she walked purposefully toward the glowing orb and vanished into its fiery brilliance!

This had occurred so unexpectedly that we had no opportunity to react, though I think Rock may have called out to ask her what she was doing. Then the smaller orb appeared to return to its parent and it also disappeared from sight. A tendril of hot light shot out of the large orb and struck one of the windows that I had previously failed to notice. There was a window at each of the cardinal points, and a window midway between each of those. To my surprise one of the windows faced out on the post where we had tied our mounts, though from the exterior we had seen no sign of any opening other than the door.

While my attention was momentarily distracted by this discovery, I failed to realize that Rock was running full-tilt toward the orb. Before I could take a step forward he had vanished. Liadan then ran to the side of the area occupied by the orb to see if he or Nekaya emerged from the opposite side. More tendrils of flame shot out of the orb to connect with the windows.

I felt something rush past me and reached out to catch hold of Pakkin as the goblin faithfully attempted to follow Nekaya. I must give him credit for his courage; he meant to go where she went no matter how much he feared it, though he ran pell-mell with his eyes tight shut. He struggled mightily to get free of my grasp, but his strength was too little to overcome mine. As I gripped him, Liadan came to a decision and stepped forward to meet the painfully bright light herself. The sphere seemed to be growing unstable now and flares shot out from it in every direction, forcing me to step aside for fear of being impaled by one of its fiery limbs.

My eyes met Erim's for a brief instant as we both wondered what course of action we ought to pursue. But that choice was taken from us in a heartbeat as the sphere suddenly expanded to fill the entire chamber and we were enguled in its blazing glory.

A moment later I felt stone beneath my feet again, and was surrounded by an intense sensation of dryness. I opened my eyes to find myself in another chamber, this one not circular and lacking the miniature sun that had apparently just swallowed me. To my amazement I found myself facing a tableau of Rock, Nekaya and Liadan in battle with a skeletal figure bearing a large curved blade. Behind me our mounts stood in a cluster, nervously shuffling to escape the proximity of several more skeletons that were cowering on the sandy floor.

Liadan pronounced a prayer to Lathander and all of the cowering skeletons vanished into clouds of bone dust. Seeing that my three friends could no doubt manage the remaining skeleton, I went to calm the horses. Freed of my grasp, Pakkin ran to hide in a corner. Within a few heartbeats my companions had dispatched the skeleton and begun to explore our surroundings, but just as that occurred we heard the sound of a gong that made me feel a brief chill of distress. Something is very wrong in this place.

Rock went immediately to a stair that the sword-wielding skeleton had evidently been guarding. I heard an assortment of clattering noises and dwarven curses as he endeavored to destroy a dangerous trap that blocked the stair. In the meanwhile Nekaya was carefully examining the paintings on the walls of the chamber by the golden glow of her hakra. She then announced that we have been somehow transported to the tomb of an ancient Mulhorandi pharoah!

Quips & Quotes:

Liadan: "It's a horse of last resort."
Rock: "I was thinking a horse of last dessert."

Erim: "Can we get a certificate of authenticity for this sword? Oh, darn, we took it out of the box!"

Rock: "Can I have a resurRocktion?"

Telemnar: "I need a cloak of will."
Rock: "Nah, everybody just fires at Will."

Erim: "I get my everburning corn out." (yes, he said corn, not coin)
GM: "Are you taking your shoes off?"

Liadan: "My horse is a naysayer."

GM: "You guys come in on round 3."
Erim: "Do we have to?"

GM: "You seem to have captured a little bit of the sun."
Nekaya: "I hope He doesn't mind."

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