Sunday, October 13, 2019

[Pathfinder] Wrath of the Righteous, part 52: Many Labors

Respected Master;

We continue our efforts to cleanse Citadel Drezen and rebuild the surrounding town. To these ends the supplies Runa and Rhino brought are most welcome. Runa presented Jiro with a sack of apples she brought from the town where she was brought up. She is quite proud of them. Privately I find them less subtle in flavor than the fruit found in the orchards of Jinin, but they are nonetheless welcome after many weeks of army rations.

Rhino's arrival naturally caused some tension among the residents here who have been held captive or tortured by the demonic occupiers, but Irabeth's welcome of him allayed some of their fears.


Joran Vhane tells us that he beliefs the work of cleansing the forge will be completed within the next fortnight, if a priest can be found who is capable of casting the necessary hallowing spell. Myself, Jiro, and Runa continue to be engaged in the effort to restore the forge to its former glory and beneficial use.

Rhino is remaining with us for a few days, joining Zosta in training the paladins and local militia in fighting techniques. It is most amusing to see him working alongside his sister and Bohgong. Despite his formidable appearance his presence has attracted more participants to the training sessions.

Though I was not witness to this event myself, I later learned that Bohgong and Rhino had worked together to create a special bow for Zero to use. I have not spoken much to Zero as he has been diligently searching the surrounding countryside for evidence of Arushalae's whereabouts, but when I was told by Zosta of the enchanted bow, it seemed that Zero was a bit confused by this gift, or perhaps not comfortable with being given it by a demon, even a redeemed one.

Another occasion I was also absent from involved Runa suddenly making a declaration to Rhino that she found him attractive. This tale was somewhat garbled in the telling as Zosta found it quite amusing and Jiro was confused by it. Runa herself has been little seen except at the forge, which is a source of great frustration to Zosta though I do not understand why.


Zosta is a source of a great deal of news for me, as I have been much occupied with copying spells and my Riftwarden studies. She tells that she accompanied Zero to the cell where Arushalae was imprisoned and he appeared somewhat wistful while there. One of the paladins with the army is a devotee of the goddess Desna to whom Arushalae is also evidently devoted, and this paladin proposes to make the cell into a shrine to the goddess.

After her occasion with Rhino, Runa asked Zero if he would permit her to join him on one of his patrols. He agreed, though it seems he found her too slow to suit his preferred method of patrolling. But during their time together Runa called out an apology, hoping that perhaps Nurah the halfing might be listening, and was rewarded with a response.

Nurah Dendiwhar
I will continue this missive later. Now I must rest. There is much to do.

Next: part 53, A Breath of Fresh Air

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