3rd Desnus, Toilday
The Stag Lord's crude fort was crumbling, filthy, and stank of blood and offal after the battle was done. When Akiros warned us of the undead lurking on the hillside, we determined that we would convey the dead beyond the hill to prepare a mass grave for them. But as it was still night, we would not do so until the following morning. To get away from the mess below, we climbed up to what remained of the second floor to take our rest. While we slept, Zander removed the hide from the owlbear. He desires to create a replica of the creature wearing its actual skin.
We discovered an inscription on the wall of the chamber where the old man was left to die. It appeared to have been scratched into the stone wall using a fork or eating knife. It read: "Connor is not the chosen one. He is not preparing a kingdom for her." We don't know who Connor is or who the "her" the inscription refers to may be.
After we rose we loaded the bodies of the dead into the wagon and took them a short distance from the fort, outside the area Akiros says the undead appear within.
Later in the day our prisoner, Falgrim Sneeg, awoke from his wounded sleep. He must have been quite surprised to see Chahana, who is now wearing the Stag Lord's awful helm, and Zander is also wearing the unusual armor the Stag Lord bore which has no covering for the wearer's upper torso. We gave Sneeg food and water but did not treat his wounds with any magical healing.
4th Desnus, Wealday
We took the Stag Lord's head to Nettles Crossing, stopping first to ensure that the Sharptooth kobolds have not gone back on their promise to leave the sycamore tree uninhabited. Zander tried to crawl down beneath the roots of the tree to check and became wedged in the narrow passage. Maria had to pull him out.
During our journey we asked Akiros about himself. He admitted that after his betrothed accused him of assaulting her, he slew both her and her father, who had been pressuring her to abandon her betrothal. I am troubled that we have not sent him back to make amends for his crime. But as my companions have reminded me, we let other bandits go free who no doubt took lives. Is seeking redemption more important than punishing wrongdoers? I am uncertain. I must pray to the Dawnflower for guidance.

5th Desnus, Oathday
When we reached Nettles Crossing, Chahana volunteered to take the Stag Lord's head and present it to Davik Nettles while the rest of our group stood by. After Nettles appeared and held the severed head in his hands, he exclaimed something I couldn't make out. Then his body dissolved into the river, leaving behind only the ranseur he had wielded. Reislin says that it has minor magical properties.
I hope that Nettles can move on into the care of Pharasma now and have his spirit sent to its destined afterlife. I will say a prayer for him.
7th Desnus, Starday
We have returned to Oleg's Trading Post. It has been a week and a half since we were last here.
There is a tinker visiting the trading post. Reislin has spoken to him about purchasing useful supplies. Chahana also asked him if anything could be done to change the unpleasant appearance of the Stag Lord's helmet, but he was unable to help her.
Kesten Garess was quite pleased to see Sneeg. He plans to execute the man for his crimes and have us take his report to his superior, Reynold Burns, commander of the mercenary company known as Sharka's Machine in Restov. Commander Burns will give us the reward for capturing Sneeg.
We plan to travel to Nivatka's Crossing first to meet with a representative of the Varnlings before heading to Restov. Reislin has sent a letter there by raven to let Maegar Varn know that we will be coming.
Reislin arranged to sell some of the supplies we took from the fort to Oleg. We have all earned a substantial amount of coin. Perhaps I can purchase a better suit of armor or a keener scimitar once we reach Restov.
11th Desnus, Oathday
We had an uneventful journey to Nevakta's Crossing. It is a rough frontier town, though it boasts a general store and several establishments where local trappers and hunters can come to drink and gain the temporary companionship of others.
Akiros has decided to part from us and go to seek his own way. I pray that the Dawnflower will not let him slip back into a life of crime. Perhaps he will return to his homeland and try to make amends for what he has done.
Chahana, Maria, and Reislin negotiated an arrangement with Dawg, Maegar Varn's representative, to sell them some of our goods. That has earned us more coin as well as their goodwill. We have also agreed to purchase some spirits from them, which they have apparently produced at their own distillery in Varnhold. Perhaps we will sell some in Restov, or to Oleg.
Tomorrow we leave for Restov.
Characters have each earned:
1,463 gold
4 platinum
342 silver
759 copper
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