Saturday, December 30, 2017

[Star Wars] Guardians of Peace, Episode 3: "From the Shadows, part 2"

Vicious bands of pirates and criminals stalk the neutral sectors, striking at will against systems on both sides of the border.

The Jedi are one of the groups trying to bring peace and order to this lawless zone. After tracking SHADOW WING pirate attacks, the Jedi Taanar Ryl has returned to Ord Mantell to question a prisoner….

With their two targets apprehended, the Fortune crew now had to decide what to do with them. Questioning them in the seedy Herglic's Folly area of Ord Mantell seemed unwise, but they didn't know of any more secure place to remove to other than their ship. They decided they would have to try to carry the Rodian and the Besalisk back to the ship without drawing too much unwelcome attention. Den and Ren each picked up one of the unconscious prisoners and they set off toward the docking bay.

They hadn't gone far when they began to hear the sounds of local law enforcement sirens. A spotlight's brilliant beam fell suddenly on Taanar. The rest of the group quickly slipped into an alley to hide from view. Taanar shot them a brief look to warn them to stay where they were and keep quiet. An officer from the police speeder called out for Taanar to keep her hands where they could be seen and explain who she was and what she was doing there. Taanar spread her hands and announced, "I am Jedi Taanar Ryl," seeing no reason to keep her identity a secret. 

"Can you prove that?" the officer asked. Taanar cocked her head to look down at the lightsaber hanging at her hip. That appeared to satisfy the officer, who then asked, "There was a report of blaster fire in the area. Do you know anything about that?" Taanar replied, "I heard some noise, but I didn't see anything." At that moment, more blaster fire could be heard nearby. The police officer perfunctorily thanked her and jumped back in his speeder to head toward the source of the sound. 

Taanar stepped into the alley. "Lying is not the approved method of dealing with local authorities, but there are occasions when it is necessary to withhold the truth," she said to her three charges. They set off once more for the Fortune. When they arrived at the ship, FE provided binders to restrain the prisoners. By this time the Besalisk had recovered consciousness. The Besalisk was so confused and startled to find himself in this situation that as soon as the team began to question him he admitted that he and his Rodian partner had been hired to recapture Ferb. He also told them that the customer who had hired them was known as Navi, although he didn't know any other name. 

Next: Episode 4, "From the Shadows, part 3"

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